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samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 3rd, 2011 07:17 pm (UTC) (Link)
He had a pretty good idea for this date of theirs. He planned on catching their dinner and cooking it himself with one of his mom's recipes. He figured she had never been on a date like that before, at least he hoped she hadn't.

"I agree!" he nodded. "Nothing like a good surprise right? Better than having everything planned down to the tee," he smiled. He was sure he would come up with something pretty fantastic.

"Oh of course!" he said putting his hand on his chest. "I would never want to give a lady the wrong impression. Is there any other first date etiquette I should know before we make this official and not hypothetical?"
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 3rd, 2011 07:32 pm (UTC) (Link)
That was most certainly something she had never had the pleasure of. The nicest guys she'd dated (Keegan and Gael, really) had never done something like that. And honestly, Gray wouldn't know what to do with a fishing pole even with hand-written instructions.

"If it was all planned out, I would think you just wanted to impress me for one thing," she teased. Plucking piece of muffin off her half she popped it into her mouth and smiled at Sam. "Your hypothetical date sounds like a load of fun, you know."

But then she was back to thinking really hard, "and how do you feel about kissing on the first date?" Just so they were clear.
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 3rd, 2011 09:43 pm (UTC) (Link)
He laughed. "It does sound pretty fun doesn't it?" he said sitting back. "You know, I might be trying to impress you a bit," he grinned. "But just a bit."

"Oh! Kissing! Well, I think a chaste good night kiss is completely acceptable for a first date," he smiled.
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 4th, 2011 01:23 am (UTC) (Link)
"Well, you might be impressing me, actually. Like...just a bit though." She held up her hand, a little space between her fingers to indicate how much he was impressing her. Though her smile might have given away her, she had a terrible poker face.

"Mm, agreed then. I think we've covered the important details, then." She nodded with approval. "So, what do you think? Do you want to ask a girl like me out?"
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 4th, 2011 02:38 am (UTC) (Link)
"Ooo!" he grinned. "That's like a record for me!" he laughed.

"I think so," he leaned back a little and looked at her, feeling warm at that little smile of hers. "I think I would like to ask out a girl like you."

"Ginger McAvery, what do you say to a date. Five o'clock on Saturday perhaps?"
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 4th, 2011 03:00 am (UTC) (Link)
"Well, you should always aim for setting new records." She laughed, too, bouncing a little excitedly in her seat.

She was absolutely out of her mind, wasn't she? Sam Ruiz, after all, wasn't any local rich boy. His hair needed brushing. His clothing was an absolute train wreck, and yet... she was smitten.

"I do believe, Sam Ruiz, that I would be most delighted to go on a date with you. Five o'clock on Saturday sounds absolutely perfect."
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 4th, 2011 06:19 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Agreed," he said brightly. "Nothing more important than raising the bar for yourself right?" he grinned.

"Excellent," he said finishing off his portion of the muffin. "I will do my best to make sure it's a most enchanting evening," he grinned.
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 5th, 2011 05:52 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Not at all. Supposed to be good for you and stuff." She said with a nod, laughing.

"Well, sir, I will be looking forward to this date, sir. I do hope you impress." Though, honestly, he already had.

samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 6th, 2011 02:20 am (UTC) (Link)
He beamed at Ginger, man it had been a while since he felt so giddy about a date. He took her hand and pressed a little kiss to it. "Miss McAvery, Saturday is already too far away," he swooned. "Alas, I have to get back to Beauregard."
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