DC Next Generation

Fears and deeper thoughts (Harry) @ 12:21 am


Jess wasn't one to share what she really thought about things. She just kept a brave and stubborn face because she thought if she pushed herself long and hard enough that it would all become true. Of course that still didn't change her waking up freaked out in the middle of the night from a nightmare.

She stumbled in the dark to the kitchen intending on getting a drink to calm her nerves. But as she was getting the juice the worst thing happened.

Big. Hairy. Spider.

She squeaked and dropped both the juice and the cup scrambling backwards.

Oh for crying out loud. It's just a spider. That she can't let near her. It's obviously evil.

We're Not In Kansas Anymore - Crack 17 @ 01:45 am


Huntress opened her eyes and blinked. The first thing that registered was that one side of her face was lying on the rough surface of a rooftop. Her head felt like someone had taken a sledgehammer to it. She had the mother of all headaches.

She groaned and pulled herself up into a sitting position. What the hell happened? They had been chasing the woman who had appeared with the others to attack the YJLA. There was a flash of bright light and the next thing Huntress knew she was waking up here.

"Uuuuggggh," she groaned. It hurt to move.

Accidents Happen (Meme: 3: 11) @ 07:21 pm


Jay was in class; Ruth wasn't, and she found herself with nothing to do but worry about other people. Like Max, who'd barely set foot out of his lab lately. So Ruth went and got enough hotdogs for the both of them.

She knocked on the door of the lab.

Art @ 08:02 pm


Heather still couldn't believe the article in the Tribune's Arts and Entertainment section. "Local artist Heather Collins... first gallery... works entirely in crystal... metahuman art scene... gallery opens tonight... guest list is expected to include Cynthia Lord, daughter of... famous escape artist and charity advocate Avia Free... local celebrity actor..."

She took a couple of deep breaths, despite the fact that the action did precious little other than to circulate some air through her crystaline body. She was definitely going to have to call her parents after this. Opal wasn't exactly in the same broadcast range as Chicago, but... well, it was a city with a pretty strong interest in the arts. Something like this might make it into the news cycle.

She couldn't blame Cindy for setting this up. The thought of people coming to see something she'd created had already done wonders for her self confidence. And Cindy, being the person that she was with the connections that she had, had been more than good at getting some publicity, and had been good for inviting those nice Justice League people, even if they were coming in their secret identities.

Another deep breath, and Heather left the back room, heading back out into the gallery itself. There were seven large statues in the show, representing the Entities. There were smaller statues too, of varying sizes, mostly of fantasy figures, though one marked "Raging Goddess" was a special commission that was already carrying a "sold" tag. Not her first paid project, but certainly the one she'd been paid the most for. Quite the satisfied customer there.

"Alright," she said, checking her watch. "Twenty minutes to open."

DC Next Generation