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young_swimmer ([info]young_swimmer) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-04-24 20:58:00

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Entry tags:ash curry, cait curry, cat grant, dr fate, hawkgirl, iris west, jacob rothstein, joey mason, lee arthur, marcus todd, max sivana, mourning dove, plot - "the return of kid amazo", robert wilson, steven garrick, team - jsa, team - teen titans, tess holt, tyler darnell, will freeman

The Return of Kid Amazo
Cait decided to spend a day or two at the cottage before heading back to San Francisco. She needed a day or two to decompress after spending the past week in Atlantis. Dealing with Arthur was always stressful, this time being no different. Amnesty Bay was the perfect place to decompress and get some peace and quiet.

She walked out of the ocean and pulled the water out of her clothes and hair. She headed for the small cottage at the base of the lighthouse. She opened the door, stepped inside and never saw the blow. Pain spiked at the back of her neck and the world went dark.

"Bring her," a male voice said and a figure stepped out of the shadows. The man next to him picked up Cait's inert body and threw it over a shoulder. The two men left the small cottage.

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2013-04-25 01:06 am UTC (link)
Locking in on your location now, I'll be right there. he answers, before teleporting without checking where he's going.

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2013-04-25 01:12 am UTC (link)
Cait smiled when Ty appeared, but she wasn't the only person standing there. "Hello, my love."

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2013-04-25 01:14 am UTC (link)
"Cait! That's Hammond! We need to get out..." and he notices her expression, and, fast as he is, he has a moment of indecision. He knows what he should do - but he can't cut Cait off.

And then its too late.

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2013-04-25 01:19 am UTC (link)
The attack that came wasn't physical. It was purely mental. Cait used their link to reach out and try to take control of his mind, traveling along the feelings that they had for each other. It was a path back to his mind and a way to grab control.

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2013-04-25 01:23 am UTC (link)
Normally, Hammond's attack would meet Hammond's shields, as it were - but in this case, there's a path right past them. With just a brief fight, Ty is brought under control for so long as the direct link remains.

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2013-04-25 01:36 am UTC (link)
"Is the link stable?" Hammond asked. He had control of the boy, but he didn't want to risk the link being broken.

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2013-04-25 01:37 am UTC (link)
"Yes," Cait answered. "It is stable. It will not be broken."

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2013-04-25 01:43 am UTC (link)
"The link is stable. Its maintained by your own power, bolstered with Circe's, and Atlantean powers. Very little can break it." Ty obediently reports.

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2013-04-25 05:26 pm UTC (link)
"Now we will show people what true fear is," Hammond said. "You will make them relive nightmares." Hammond sent a command along the link. The people of San Francisco would relive the time when the Great Old One started to wake.

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2013-04-25 06:17 pm UTC (link)
Ty nods, phasing up out of the complex, rising til he hovers over the city. He summons the yellow ring, adding its power, and that of Circe, to Hammonds own to begin broadcasting out the emotions, thoughts and hallucinations he felt from the people in San Francisco during Cthulhu's rise. In time, it will drive the masses mad - and as it does, it just makes the power of the ring stronger and stronger, feeding into his other powers.

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2013-04-25 09:04 pm UTC (link)
Ruth wasn't in San Francisco during the Cthulhu incident. She was in Keystone, far away from the sea, so she's never felt this particular brand of horror and revulsion (as opposed to, say, the black lantern brand) quite this intensely. She's immediately sick.

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2013-04-25 10:37 pm UTC (link)
Feeling sick didn't accurately describe how Robert felt the horror that was occurring. He didn't just get hit with his own emotions; he got hit by all of the emotions, from everybody around him. His empathy kicked into high gear, drowning Robert in negative emotion.

He couldn't handle this. Robert's soul emerged as a large, black bird and engulfed him. He disappeared without a trace, leaving to another dimension altogether.

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2013-04-25 11:27 pm UTC (link)
Joey (who'd barely gotten out of bed), was with his head in the toilet.

"Feels like... I been run over by a truck..." he muttered, in-between throwing up.

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2013-04-26 12:05 am UTC (link)
Max sat on the floor of his lab, hand holding the control for the lab's automatic defense systems. His face was sweating, paranoia was running rampant, and his head felt like it was going to split open.

"No one..no one will get in here."

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2013-04-26 01:21 am UTC (link)
Marcus's mind was racing through plans to deal with just about everything his paranoid brain could come up with. The headache he had was putting him in a foul mood on top of that.

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