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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-27 00:40:00

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Entry tags:cindy lord, inactive - angie holt, inactive - sindella zatara, inactive - warhawk, iris west, npc - aquaman, npc - lois lane-kent, plot - "blackest night", will freeman

Sad news
Throughout the U.S., every network, and many cable stations break into their regular coverage. The image of the Daily Planet comes on screen, followed by an image of a blonde woman with a tear streaked face. In the background, there's the ruins of a LexCorp facility.

"This is Carol Phelps for the Daily Planet." she begins, composing herself as she goes into field reporter mode. Even at her age, this is usually a Lois Lane job, but she's on assignment elsewhere - and this is very specific news. "And today, I'm sure the world will join us here at the Planet in mourning. Metropolis' first son, our visitor and protector from the stars - Superman, is dead. The tragedy occurred following a battle with noted business tycoon and former politician Lex Luthor, who appeared to have gone back to his criminal roots. The pair, along with a large number of robots and automated weaponry battled for hours in the skies above Metropolis. What brought about the conflict isn't certain.
What we do know is that Superman defeated Luthor and the apparent weapons, containing the damage to a small section of Metropolis around the LexCorp facility behind me, at significant cost to himself. At that point, and unknown third party arrived on the scene. We have not yet identified this person, who appears on cameras only as a shadowy outline. The stranger had words for Luthor and Superman both - we are attempting to find out what was said even now. Whoever the unknown party was, however, he then..."
she pauses, struggling to find her voice. "He slew first Lex Luthor, and then Superman, using some sort of lightning based weapon. We are not replaying the footage here, as the graphic nature of the images may be too shocking for some viewers, but it will be made available once authorities have had a chance to review them.

For now, a great deal remains unknown. What we do know is that the city... the planet, is without its first son. Superman is dead."

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2010-12-27 09:26 pm UTC (link)
Will doesn't want to believe the news. They said the same thing when Superman died the first time, and they were wrong.

But heroes had died before without coming back. Superman may had just been a lucky one.

So where Will is, at the top of the radio transmitter of WHIZ, he stands up. He didn't fly up there, he climbed it, and he did it for a specific reason. heroes were flashy. they were supposed to grab the attention of those who wished to harm as well as those who needed inspiration.

And so Will dropped.


The lightning bolt and thunder would catch anyones attention for miles, but this was at the WHIZ tower, at the heart of Fawcett City. It was bound to draw attention.

It was time to get to work. Mourning Superman would have to wait.

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