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broken_time ([info]broken_time) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2009-06-02 22:17:00

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Entry tags:blink, crusader, doctor spectrum, ghost rider, iron dragon, mystic, patriot

The more things change...
The Exiles all find themselves transported from the desert to... well, another part of the desert.

In the middle of this flat area, however, an area of tiled floor sits, with a chalkboard set up on one edge. And all the Exiles sit in old-style school desks, mostly a little too small for them, wedged in however much needed.
A balding man stands by the chalkboard, waiting patiently for everyone to settle in and pay him heed after the sudden change of surrounds.

"Welcome... or welcome back, as the case may be. Coffee? Muffins?"

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2009-06-03 10:38 pm UTC (link)
Quinn knew about the different dimensions being connected. His father and mother had told him stories of the Multiverse and Otherworld. This didn't make sense. Roma or Merlin would have done something and or contacted his father and the Captain Britain Corps if so much damage to the tapestry of realities had been done.

"I'm not Captain Britain," he said. "That's my father and if you need someone to go save all these realities, you should be talking to him and the rest of the Captain Britain Corps."

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2009-06-03 11:56 pm UTC (link)
Blink very much wanted to scream. Instead she slammed her head down on her desk and counted backwards to ten.

Trying to kill the Timebroker was not a good way to start this go around. Besides, she needed to keep it together for her new team mates.

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2009-06-04 12:01 am UTC (link)
"Actually, yes you are. You see, when the ripple in the timestream hit your universe... well, at one point, Excalibur fought the Juggernaut. Repeatedly, actually, but this was the first time. In almost every reality, the 'fight' between Captain Britain and the Juggernaut in that meeting was amusingly short. Your father was found two miles away with a splitting headache. However, in this case, Cain Marko was having a particularly bad day. Pieces of your father were found two miles away. One small change, and you were never born, some of the X-Men died trying to help out, Roma was never freed, weak link in the Captain Britain Corps and the Adversary rules your world. I managed to snag you about two seconds before you were magic pixie dust on the wind. So you have an extra risk... if you don't fix things enough to stabilize the timestream around your dimension, your dimension is toast. If you die in the process, there's no hope for your world, as you're the last link they have to the Captain Britan Corps."

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2009-06-04 12:11 am UTC (link)
Quinn gave him a look. "You're full of shit," he said flatly.

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2009-06-04 12:12 am UTC (link)
"By all means, call my 'bluff', sit around and do nothing in the first world you hit. Can you afford to take that chance?"

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2009-06-04 12:19 am UTC (link)
"Is this where I'm supposed to have some sort of conscience and do the right thing by saying I'll go along with this half-arsed plan of yours? According to you, I have nothing to lose now. Everyone I've ever known or cared about is dead. As I see it right now I have the most freedom I've ever had."

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2009-06-04 12:24 am UTC (link)
"No, this is where its all up to you and your companions here. I'm just a figment of your collective subconscious. Me, and this entire place have just been prettied up to something you can comprehend. Next world you hit, you can just walk away. But if the rest of your companions don't manage to do the job without you, the second the damage to your particular timestream becomes irreparable, you become so much dust. You can't survive never being born, I've just bought you some time. Do with that brief freedom what you wish, Mr. Braddock."

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2009-06-04 12:33 am UTC (link)
"And if that doesn't happen he might send another team who is willing to do the job no matter what." Blink said, looking up. It helped if she imagined herself strangling the Timebroker, it really did. "Fine. I'll play this game again. It's obvious I don't have a choice."

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2009-06-04 12:39 am UTC (link)
Joe regarded the so-called Time-Broker for a moment.

"My Prism doesn't seem to like you," he said.

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2009-06-04 12:42 am UTC (link)
"Actually, Blink, you and Rose do have a choice. In your case, you took yourself out of the equation by staying behind after a mission. Fair enough... if that's what you want, you can go home. Your reality is shaky, but there. However, I regret to inform you that your old team, Calvin included, floundered without you. They were killed by a man calling himself King Hyperion, and their realities remain unstable. However... if the three realities tied to King Hyperion are fixed, he never will have existed in that state... and Calvin, and the others, will still be alive. So, honestly, its up to you... do you go home and let them be dead, or do you stick it out until your business, and Mr. Ledger's, incidentally, is finished?" He glances at Doctor Spectrum. "I'm unsurprised, after all, speaking as a representation of all your collective subconscious, you don't seem to like yourselves very much. Regardless, you and Blink are rather tied together now."

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2009-06-04 12:54 am UTC (link)
"But- they're dead! That can't have-"

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2009-06-04 12:59 am UTC (link)
"They are now. They weren't when you thought they were. In rough shape, yes, dead, no. But thanks to your distraction, they were able to recover in time to jump to the next world to meet your replacement, who was, sadly, more interested in trying to conquer worlds than saving them. Honestly though, would it have changed anything had you known they were still alive? There were only two ways to fix that reality, yours, and Weapon X's."

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2009-06-04 01:06 am UTC (link)
"After all that's happened why should I believe you?" Other than because she wanted to.

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2009-06-04 01:11 am UTC (link)
"As I told Mr. Braddock, don't believe me if you want. If you want to call my 'bluff', say the word, and I'll send you home right now. Can you live with the 'what if' for the rest of your life? If you can, I wish you a merry bon voyage. Take a muffin with you."

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2009-06-04 01:50 am UTC (link)
"King Hyperion? Now I know you're blowing smoke up our asses. Hype's not the king-making type."

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2009-06-04 02:04 am UTC (link)
"Typically, no. Mark Milton had the best of intentions in backing the Utopia Project. And in the reality you knew, he defeated Zhib-Ran's attempt to take it over. However, this time, Zhib-Ran, also known as the Hyperion of the Squadron Sinister had some added information, higher technology gleaned from taking apart the Vision and Iron Man's 2030 counterpart - particularly in the form of a suit shielding him from the argonite radiation his new suit's weapons used. The unknown invader and Hyperion battled until they reached space, out of sight of everyone else, where Zhib-Ran killed Mark Milton. Hiding the suit, he took his place and killed Nighthawk rather than seeing the light, taking over the Utopia Project until he named himself king of the Earth. As I said, more interest in taking over realities than fixing them. You put up a valiant fight, by the way, but ultimately were defeated and enslaved by the behavior modification program. Go ahead and tell me your teammate's alternate-Earth counterpart isn't the king-making type, or that the Utopia project wasn't already only a slender thread away from a nightmare scenario like that."

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2009-06-04 02:15 am UTC (link)
"And nothing has changed for me?"

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2009-06-04 02:17 am UTC (link)
"On the contrary, you've made Rose's life much more complicated. Its your fault, to a degree, she's here. But as for your dimension, its one of the most difficult to fix... Doom succeeded in stealing the Beyonder's power, your parents were killed long before you'd have been born, and he rules, effectively, everything. Changing a reality backed by that kind of power is difficult, at best. But as before, if you don't, you, like Mr. Braddock, don't exist."

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2009-06-04 03:24 am UTC (link)
"Wait! I don't mind that I'm here, I mean I at least have one friend here...But besides that just why are things complicated?" Her eyes sting now.

"Is my reality okay? Are my parents okay?"

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2009-06-04 03:34 am UTC (link)
"Your reality is /not/ ok. You see, Sarah wasn't supposed to be there. Her presence on your world was an accident. Anya Stark was supposed to be killed by Temujin in their first combat encounter. Then, Tony Stark would go on to build a suit of self-destruct armor and exact revenge, killing himself in the process. But more importantly, killing Temujin, preventing him from ever meeting Hadelinde Zemo and passing on insider information into the Avengers to the woman who will become one of their most implacable foes for decades to come. Sarah, however, saved Anya's life and fought Temujin off. Your presence here is a balance point - essentially, you're going to help make adjustments to your reality to fix what Sarah has done, and make it so Anya Stark doesn't have to be killed to make things right. Like Blink, you're here strictly voluntarily, you can go home any time you want. But if you do, Anya Stark will be killed, her father soon after, and Stark Enterprises will fall into something less than noble hands. But like I said, say the word, and you can go."

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2009-06-04 03:41 am UTC (link)
Rose's jaw clenches tightly. She can't go now because she remembers how much the thought of loosing Anya would kill her. Loosing Tony and Stark industries getting taken over by someone that couldn't be trusted either would hurt her too.

"I'm staying," she says with resolve. She is her parents child so she will see this through.

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2009-06-04 03:45 am UTC (link)
Sarah puts a hand lightly on Rose's shoulder, speaking quietly. "I'm sorry Rose. And thank you."

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2009-06-04 05:04 am UTC (link)
Rose blinks and shakes her head. "Don't be sorry Sarah. My best friend is still alive. Her father isn't dead."

Her mouth twitches into a chuckle. "Besides! I was planning on a road trip to decide what I wanted to do with myself. This is just a detour. One day things will be okay."

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2009-06-04 10:50 pm UTC (link)
The Ghost Rider waves a hand. "All this makes real little sense to me, but I know why mah world blew up." It's her fault. "I just wanna know where we go now and if ah git to kick Mephisto's ass."

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2009-06-05 01:16 am UTC (link)
"Indeed, you're here because in your world, Mephisto broke one of the fundamental physical laws of hell. And yes, eventually you will encounter him again, he also survived the end of your reality. But when you do, all of your souls will be on the line, along with your reality. Don't be in too big a hurry... but you will get there if you live that long."

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(no subject) - [info]uneasy_rider, 2009-06-06 10:06 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]broken_time, 2009-06-07 01:13 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]doc_spectrum, 2009-06-07 09:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]broken_time, 2009-06-08 02:39 am UTC

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