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Julian Gallio ([info]hellfireprince) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-09 19:31:00

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Current location:New York
Entry tags:inactive - dj whedon, inactive - harry reynolds, inactive - jason reed jr, inactive - julian gallo, inactive - lisa graves, inactive - pauline argosy, team - x-factor

A Night of Outcasts

Paulo Seganti knocks on the door to the loft above the Popular Outcast nightclub, waiting for his master to bid him to enter. There are several soft moans of pleasure, which signals Paulo to wait before entering. When he hears the sound of a muffled scream, followed by silence, Paulo straightens his suit coat before the door opens almost of its own accord.


Julian Gallio’s eyes glow momentarily as the young woman crumbles to ashes beneath him, littering the floor of the loft. He eyes the mess and sighs in disapproval. Feeding never manages to be clean. Julian dusts off his hands, then moves to the closet to change his slacks and shirt, choosing a light grey suit and dresses as Paulo looks on.


“Mister Howard… ‘Now I Can Has Machinegun’ will take the stage in just a few minutes.” Paulo said. “You said you wanted to be informed when they did.”



“I did, Paulo. Thank you. By the way, did you manage to get the invitations to Mister Summers, Mister Reed and Mister Reynolds?” Julian asked.


“I couldn’t get directly to Mister Summers, sir. The Embassy was a bit crowded and security was tight. I had to settle for handing them off to a secretary who would see that they were delivered. But the others were sent without issue.” Paulo said nervously.


Julian closed his eyes for a moment, thinking. When they opened again, they were clear and brown, no trace of the illumination from his feeding present. He took a deep breath, remembered that Paulo would have done his best to fulfill his duty, and let it out.


“Very well, Paulo. Either Andrew will come to me, or he won’t. I cannot control that outcome. You do good work for me, old friend.” Julian says as he finishes dressing. His grey lies easily over his black shirt and Paulo comes over to straighten it for him before stepping back and nodding approvingly.


“You look good, Mister Howard. Some of the ones you've sought are already here, or in line; we’ve been watching for them. Do you think they will be amenable to your idea?” Paulo asks.


“I do. They want fame, acceptance, money, power, and a place to belong. The world wants mutants it can trust, that it can 'control'. I’m in a position to give everyone what they want, and in the end, I get what I want.” Julian says, moving past Paulo to the door.


“Clean that up, will you? I might be in the mood for a snack when this is all over and I don’t like a messy house.” he finishes as he heads out the door and down the back stairs to the stage.



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2010-02-11 09:27 pm UTC (link)
She smiles and puts her palms together. Sparks fly between them, sending shivers down her spine. "Absolutely."

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2010-02-11 10:38 pm UTC (link)
Julian grins. "I'm looking forward to it, Lisa."

He sees the sparks fly between her fingers and remembers that he wanted one more person involved in his idea anyway. Lisa will do.

"Care to join Harry and me?" he asks, indicating the younger man. "We're meeting some people tonight and I'm pitching the idea to them as well.Your company would be appreciated."

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2010-02-12 12:12 am UTC (link)
Harry looks over at the woman Julian is now talking to who introduced herself as Lisa who now seemed to have electricity flowing through her hands. Harry hadn’t said anything in a while as he was thinking about the conversation he had just had.

“Hey nice to meet you,” he says putting his hand forward for her to shake.

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2010-02-12 01:00 am UTC (link)
She regards the other boy carefully. Mutant? Maybe... don't go snacking again just yet. Manners, girl.

She smiles and shakes his hand. "A pleasure."

Lisa turns, practically chest to chest with Julian, watching him intently, letting a pause hang for a moment to keep him on guard. "What sort of idea?"

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2010-02-12 01:04 am UTC (link)
"An interesting one, I'm sure," Jason interjects, finally snapping out of his own little world and into the conversation.

"I am glad I came as well, Mr. Gallio."

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2010-02-12 02:07 am UTC (link)
"Well, I want to get everyone together first, before we go over this idea. That way, anyone who's got questions can ask them for the benefit of the group." Julian says.

When Jason speaks up, Julian turns to him.

"Thank you, again, for joining us, Mr. Reed." he says. "If I can have the three of you come back to my office, we'll relax for a bit, get to know each other, and then I'll go over my idea with all of you.

I will preface it with this, however: Not only will others benefit, but each of you will, first and foremost." Julian says.

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2010-02-12 04:01 am UTC (link)
Soon after the performance, when the guys were pretty much done clearing the set and the next band was coming on, Pauline was jonesing for a Shirley Temple. She notices Mr. Howard as she gets to the bar and acquires one.

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2010-02-12 04:45 am UTC (link)
Lisa sizes him up cautiously, giving her hand another flex to make sure she's got the hang of the electricity.

"Sure, why not? Lead on."

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2010-02-12 04:56 am UTC (link)
DJ doesn't even bother to get dressed again. He tossed his t-shirt out into the crowd early - great way to get some free advertising. He has another in his bag, but its backstage.
He does head after Pauline, really needing something caffinated after that.

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2010-02-12 05:03 am UTC (link)
Getting of his chair Harry gets ready to go. He is very interested to hear what Julian has to say even if he hasn’t quite figured out what he wants yet.

“After you,” Harry says to his host.

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2010-02-12 05:01 pm UTC (link)
Julian motions to DJ and Pauline to join them, then leads everone back to his office in the rear of the club.

There are crackers, meats and cheeses on a table to the left as they enter, as well as a refrigerator with water, soda and juices. Black leather couches are surround a plasma TV and an X Box gaming system.

"Take a load off, everyone. Have a drink and I'll tell you why you're all really here."

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2010-02-12 07:19 pm UTC (link)
"I don't suppose it has anything to do with fashion, does it?" Jason asked in rhetoric. Of course it didn't have to do with fashion. Before anyone could breaks the law of rhetoric and answer that question Jason finished, "No? Shame."

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2010-02-12 08:00 pm UTC (link)
Pauline sticks close to DJ.

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2010-02-12 09:11 pm UTC (link)
Harry takes a seat on one of the couches to the side of the room. He is ready to finally get some answers as to what Julian wants with the little group he has gathered here. Whatever it is just from his earlier it has really peeked Harry interest.

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2010-02-12 09:31 pm UTC (link)
DJ loads himself with water and juice alike. Hydration and sugar. Then food, definitely food. Once he has the means to make up for some of the high energy he just left out on the stage, he settles in, keeping Pauline close.
"Thanks. Why we're really here?" he asks. He thought they were here for the battle of the bands. This is... interesting.

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2010-02-12 10:00 pm UTC (link)
Julian stands before all of them, at ease on the outside, but nervous within. They could all laugh in his face and walk out and he'd have to start from scratch.

Or they could be interested...

"Each of you are mutants, so I've come to understand. Each of you have also found success through your talents. Or fame. You are all examples that being a mutant is not a hindrance, but a strength." Julian says.

"I'm sure you've all heard about the debate for Mutant Registration. In my mind, this is the first step to a war between humans and mutants, if it passes.

So I propse to keep it from happening by creating a team of individuals from different walks of life to inspire both mutants and humans. We can show people that registration isn't necessary.

We can also give other mutants something to be proud of. That's where all of you come in." Julian says.

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2010-02-12 10:04 pm UTC (link)
Son of a lawyer, and a good one. DJ is immediately intrigued, but cautious. "So, is this like the Real World goes mutant, or would we be expected to battle evil mutants, or somewhere in between? And I'd have to have any paperwork looked over by myself and my mother before I'll sign anything."

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2010-02-12 11:14 pm UTC (link)
At the mention of 'battle evil mutants', a light flicks on in Lisa's head and her mouth practically waters. There's nothing wrong with not asking the permission of criminals, right?

She tries to play it cool for now however.

"What kind of money is there in it?" She reclines in her seat, helping her to a bit of cheese.

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2010-02-13 12:30 am UTC (link)
Harry wasn’t sure what to think. It was a good idea creating role models and heroes to show off the good aspect of mutants and work to stop the fear that lots of people seemed to have of mutants. However he wasn’t sure he was the best candidate for this. While he had some fame he had never really used it and he had never been the most outgoing person. Harry did like the thought of helping people and It did seem like a good way to do so.

“Why us, I meet why did you pick us for this?” asked Harry.

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2010-02-13 04:07 am UTC (link)
"Well, I do like being the Hero."

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2010-02-13 04:28 am UTC (link)
Julian expects the questions and he answers each of them in turn, beginning with DJ.

"It would be something in between. A lot of the 'job', if it could be called that, would be getting out there and showing everyone that mutants are people, too. I do expect that there are going to be mutants and humans, who don't like what we represent, and we'll deal with that." he says, before looking to Lisa.

"I intend for their to be a reality show based on this group, which will, of course, lead to endorsements, other roles, and whatever each of you want it to. In short, all of us could end up filthy rich. Meanwhile, doors open to each one of you that might have been closed until now." he smiles, before looking to Harry.

"Harry, I chose each of you because you're all public figures...and because I think you all represent different walks of life that will appeal to different people. You've all found success in spite of being what others would call different.

I think it's worth it to show other people that they can do the same if they choose to." Julian says, before looking to Jason.

"And yes, being the hero comes with a lot of benefits that aren't explicitly stated."

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2010-02-13 05:35 am UTC (link)
Pauline's hand digs just a little into DJ's arm nervously.

"Obviously, this would kind of change the scale of what sort of 'public figures' we are." She takes a breath. "And if it's just us, that's fine, but...for instance...I wouldn't want anyone with TV cameras looking up my grandfather and bothering him. He's sick and can't handle...anything." That's not the only thing, but only DJ needs to know the other thing, and he does.

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2010-02-13 05:50 am UTC (link)
DJ nods firmly, putting his off hand on Pauline's hand comfortingly.

"We'll want reasonable reassurances for families. Obviously there is some risk from outsiders involved, and I'd ask that Pauline be billed under her stage name or an assumed last name. My mother can draw up the documents. That's just to start. I'd need to see the contracts and have some time to review them. I'm interested, but suspicious. This is a big offer, after all."

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2010-02-13 11:28 am UTC (link)
Lisa grins and shrugs. "Why not? Beats working retail. Can't really say my power's done so much for me fame or success-wise, but I don't run from it like some mutants."

She leans forward. "But seriously... how much conflict with 'bad guys' are we expecting?"

She's eying the hook and the bait on it, but she hasn't fully bitten just yet. She's going to need to level with this guy soon though.

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2010-02-13 05:57 pm UTC (link)
Harry couldn’t agree more with what Pauline and DJ had just said. His family had been hassled enough and he didn’t want to add any more to their troubles.

Harry unsure about the fighting however and said, “You know I’m a healer right, I’m not of much use in combat.” It was a bit of a lie he could really hurt people with his powers but no one but his parents knew about that ability and he didn’t like using that power unless he really had to. There was also the fact that Harry was almost certain that it would freak people out.

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(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2010-02-13 10:49 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]your_talents, 2010-02-14 10:35 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2010-02-15 04:14 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]indie_minor, 2010-02-15 08:05 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2010-02-15 08:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hellfireprince, 2010-02-15 08:49 am UTC

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