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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-24 22:03:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, david roberts, inactive - arron wyatt, inactive - chris pym, inactive - dream catcher, inactive - ellie rasputin, inactive - gabriel, inactive - shatter, plot-"welcome to the jungle", rachel summers, team - x-men, tsunami

Run Through The Jungle
The citizens of Nova Roma were responsible residents of the Amazon Rainforest. They didn't waste resources, they used every part of everything, they worked with the land instead of clearing it and they recycled everything they could. They had learned these methods thousands of years ago from the local tribes not long after establishing their settlement.

Citizens from the colony would venture out into the jungle on a daily basis to gather the herbs, plants, fruit and other items they needed. Wood was gathered from the forest floor instead of chopping down trees whenever it was possible.

Today the citizens that ventured out did not return.

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2010-04-01 01:55 am UTC (link)
"What the hell," David barks as he ducks under a branch. Then he yelps as he has to jump out of the way of vines and roots as the floor of the jungle comes to life.

His mom will never believe him if he tells her about this. But he keeps his mind focused on dodging around.

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2010-04-01 02:02 am UTC (link)
Being in the sky, Gabriel isn't the target of any of the attacks. He's probably also the only X-Man who has gone unnoticed. But he also can't see everything clearly with the shifting trees, so he relies on his enhanced hearing to guide him beyond the fighting and closer to the Plant Palace.

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2010-04-01 02:21 am UTC (link)
The trees pressed the attack. Vines came down out of the branches and tried to wrap around the X-Men.

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2010-04-01 02:58 am UTC (link)
Aaron’s shield was doing a good job of stopping the plants, though he couldn’t move to help out the others. He was starting to worry about how long he could keep up this shield though under the attack.

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2010-04-01 06:32 am UTC (link)
He's not accomplishing anything with this, and the trees keep coming. They have a choice, either end up destroying a good part of the jungle, or retreating... unless he finds a third path.

In his meditation, Lucas calls upon the fog, trying to create a thick blanket to cover him, as he rises, and runs out into the jungle, trying to use his cover to get to where he might be able to get to the Plant King himself before anyone had to do too much damage.

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2010-04-01 11:44 am UTC (link)
Rachel's TK powers were doing a good job of holding back the plants, but all she was doing was playing defense. She really didn't want to harm any of the plants... but she was afraid she might have to.

"Can't keep holding back like this guys," she said. "We need to start hitting back..."

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2010-04-01 03:57 pm UTC (link)
Gabriel carefully landed at the plant palace and entered to see the mass of hostages. He raised a finger to his mouth to tell them to remain quiet.

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2010-04-01 04:57 pm UTC (link)
Plant King yelled his defiance and created plants along the battlements. A moment later all sorts of produce were flying through the air. Tomatoes, apples, oranges, pomegranates, mangoes, guava and passion fruit to name a few were all sailing through the air toward the X-Men.

Plant King kept the trees moving, but it was harder now. It was almost as if they were resisting.

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2010-04-01 05:02 pm UTC (link)
Lucas stays in the fog banks until he can flank the palace, then begins climbing. He's done what he can to instill the trees with some resistance, now he tries to silence the spirits of the wood making the fortress, trying to get to a point where he can take just one clear shot at the Plant King.

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2010-04-01 05:05 pm UTC (link)
"Fruit of doom! Yikes!" Ellie teleported out of the way of the flying fruit, keeping herself moving to avoid getting grabbed by vines or trees.

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2010-04-01 06:15 pm UTC (link)
Tired of standing there Aaron lowers the shield and starts making electrical blots and the attacking fruit and vine. He was down to half the energy he had started with so he was being conservative with his power usage.

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2010-04-01 06:47 pm UTC (link)
Cait turned the water into a shield of ice to block the incoming fruit. She went for the trees and started to pull the water out of them in an effort to slow them down.

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2010-04-01 07:16 pm UTC (link)
Gabriel loosened and unwrapped the vines that tied up the hostages and checked on them to make sure everybody was unharmed. It looked to be that way to Gabriel.

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2010-04-01 10:26 pm UTC (link)
Now this she could handle. With a wave of her hand, Rachel had the fruit reverse direction, back toward where it came.

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2010-04-01 11:32 pm UTC (link)
Plant King avoided the fruit that was redirected back. "You won't stop me!" he yelled and another volley of fruit went sailing toward the X-Men.

The trees continued to swipe at the X-Men with their branches, albeit not as vigorously as before, and vines continued to try to wrap themselves around the X-Men.

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2010-04-01 11:44 pm UTC (link)
He didn't want to do this. He always prefers a peaceful solution when one can be found. But it seems the best way to end this with as little harm done as possible.

Lucas manifests his bow, and fires an arrow at the Plant King's shoulder. Not a killing shot, but it ought to be plenty painful. As he attacks, the fog recedes from around him, and the bow turns into his spear.
"Please don't make us hurt you any more. I will if I must."

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2010-04-02 04:39 pm UTC (link)
Chris was doing her best to follow the lead of the others, not tearing into stuff, thanks to retractable claws, but it was getting harder to restrain herself the longer she stayed transformed.

She started lurching her way towards Plant King, trying to back up Lucas. She still owed him big.

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2010-04-03 07:17 pm UTC (link)
Cait continued to pull the water out of the trees. They started to look brown and withered.

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2010-04-03 07:24 pm UTC (link)
"NO!" Plant King yelled. His trees were hard to control and now they were dying. Then he got hit with Lucas' shot. His shoulder felt like it was on fire and he was yelling. "I give up! Don't hurt me!"

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2010-04-03 07:30 pm UTC (link)
Lucas nods. "I can heal the trees, and your shoulder. Just... everyone let's back off, and see if we can work this out. Let the hostages go, and stop the trees, and I'll start working on healing them of the damage from the battle... you can talk to the Nova Romans. If Corey is any indication, they'd be happy to make part of your sentance for the damage done having you help improve the jungle's health... maybe we can reach a compromise?"

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2010-04-03 07:33 pm UTC (link)
David thinks Lucas is very reasonable. He thinks turning this guy over to the Nova Romans for what happened is a good idea too. Surely they will come up with a reasonable punishment that will also help the jungle this man seems to love so much.

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2010-04-03 09:00 pm UTC (link)
Rachel supposed, given the situation, that it was the best possible option. A part of her, part of her she was a little ashamed of, balked at not just getting to knock the stuffing out of this guy.

But she that would be wrong.

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2010-04-04 01:41 pm UTC (link)
"Come back with us and you can work with us Nova Romans," Cait said. "My brother has quite a few ideas that you may like."

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2010-04-06 03:57 pm UTC (link)
Corey'd felt very stalled, aside from trying to stabilize the ground around the root systems, throughout the fight, and deflecting a little of what was thrown at him.

But when that last issue is raised, he drops what little defense he still had gathered and nods. "You want to talk sustainable agriculture and practical activism, I sure wish you'd started it that way."

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2010-04-06 04:00 pm UTC (link)
Rachel hung back, letting the others settle things.

Dammit, why was she so upset that there hadn't been more fighting? This was, true, the first big use of her powers sense the Apocalypse fight, but that shouldn't have meant anything. She'd gone for stretches before without using them much.

What was wrong with her?

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(no subject) - [info]nextgen_rogues, 2010-04-07 06:41 am UTC

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