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Mason Jeffries ([info]got_the_touch) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-14 21:25:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, inactive - kassia frost, jordan bochs, mac rider, mason jeffries, melanie hall, nimue smallwood, plot-"mason jeffries vs atlantis"

Atlantis - The Last Stand
Mason was wearing two parkas as he and Marrina waited at the set coordinates on the Nova Scotia shoreline. An official envoy from Atlantis was supposed to pick them up here. He was holding her hand, and what of his face could be seen between his scarf and his hat looked worried. He nodded to her.

"Just in case I get killed..." He squeezed her hand. "I love you. And you were worth it."

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2010-12-20 08:36 pm UTC (link)
He holds up the note in front of the soldier's face, now neatly encased in a clear plastic bag to protect it from the water.

"You think so, do you? These aren't spies. They're kidnapped Canadian citizens, held against Mason Jeffries' death in combat. Guess what, that, assassination attempts, invading government property - these things are all illegal. Not just in Canada - but before the international court. As a representative of the Canadian government, its my job to enforce those rules. So now, you have a choice - I can drag you to the surface in chains, and you personally can answer for kidnapping and death threats against international citizens - and let me give you a hint, the Russian judge is really harsh - or I can pretend for one second that you're just a patsy in all of this, and you can Take. Me. To. The. Challenge. Of. Mason. Jeffries. NOW."

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2010-12-20 08:42 pm UTC (link)
The warriors exchange looks uncertainly. They seem intent on heading to the challenge, and at worst, they're leading a bunch of attackers into a more heavily armed venue.

"We... we will lead you to it."

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2010-12-20 09:29 pm UTC (link)
//Can you radio in to have the med bay prepped?// Alex asked as he shifted to a sperm whale and /very/ carefully scooping up Mel and the Jeffries. //Hold on,// he told Mel. //I'm going to take you home.//

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2010-12-20 09:36 pm UTC (link)
" 'kay," Mel says quietly, holding onto the Jeffrieses.

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2010-12-20 10:21 pm UTC (link)
Alex swam as fast as he could and once he breached the surface, he made for shore.

He was exhausted when he reached the shore and he very carefully shifted into a Sasquatch and carried the three individuals to shore.

He shifted again, this time into the red dragon, picked up the three and took off toward headquarters. He was tired, but he was determined to get there as quickly as possible to get Mel some medical treatment.

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2010-12-20 10:25 pm UTC (link)
And soon, Mel's wounds are bandaged, and her bones are set. The Jeffrieses are properly revived.

"You've gotta rest too, now," she insists to Alex, worried. "Sorry I botched things."

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2010-12-20 10:29 pm UTC (link)
Alex was bone tired, but no way was he going to leave Mel's side. He paced while the doctors worked on her and as soon as they were done he was by her bedside.

"You didn't do anything wrong," he assured her. He brought the hand he held up and kissed the knuckles. "I'm sorry you got hurt. I should have been faster."

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2010-12-20 10:38 pm UTC (link)
"You did fine. I just had bad luck trying to do two things at once and getting spotted. The important thing is that everybody's mostly okay. They say my legs are gonna heal eventually."

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2010-12-20 10:42 pm UTC (link)
He squeezed her hand. "I'm going to be right here. If you need anything at all, you just need to tell me."

Despite knowing she was going to be okay there was a huge knot inside of Alex's stomach. He was /worried/ and he blamed himself for not doing a better job at making sure she didn't get hurt.

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2010-12-21 03:39 am UTC (link)
There's a crashing in the hallway outside, and raised voices.

"I don't care what you're going on about, you quacks! I'm going to Atlantis! What part of my son being in danger don't you understand?" Lillian's cries are clearly audible, with another man, presumably Madison, a bit more stifled.

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2010-12-21 03:45 am UTC (link)
"Don't worry, Mrs. Jeffries," Mel speaks up. "Jordan is handling it."

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2010-12-21 04:15 am UTC (link)
And that's when the Halls walk through the wall. They'd morphed through large tract of land after large tract of land all the way from Etobicoke. Simon sat panting besides Alex and Mel to rest.

Kara looks at Lil's rather aggressive behavior and immediately says, "Miss Lilian, you'd better calm down. Because One, you'd better not mess up anything they're using to treat my baby. And Two, you're not running all the way back there and hurting any of the people responsible until I've gotten a chance to tell some to jump in a volcano."

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2010-12-21 04:24 am UTC (link)
Madison shakes his head and staggers over to a spot on the wall near Simon, just shrugging at him as the womenfolk discuss who has what right to what degree of punishment.

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2010-12-21 04:39 am UTC (link)
"Mrs. Jeffries Jordan is taking care of the situation. It's been some time so we expect to hear from him shortly. We all need to stay as calm as possible."

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2010-12-21 04:42 am UTC (link)
Simon nods to Madison, then. "Very reasonable. Kara, darling, please listen, too." And then he's all over Mel. "Schatze, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, Dad. Just broke my legs. A lot."

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