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Steve Barton ([info]swashbuckler) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-28 01:35:00

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Entry tags:akilah munroe, anya stark, inactive - daniel sherwood, inactive - justin rhodes, inactive - swashbuckler, kalypso, luna maximoff, mac rider, plot-"war of the worlds"

War, What is it Good For?
There was a crackling of light and the Avengers appeared in the middle of the rebellion base, some kind of underground bunker.  Guards pointed their weapons, while others moved to protect some of the more civilliany looking people gathered.  There were quite a few people with cybernetic parts, like Steve, and even a few people who looked to be part animal.   All races, genders, and creeds were represented.  In this time, in this place, there was no room for hatred between man, only hatred of their invaders.

Steve raised a hand.  "It's okay, guys.  Stand down.  I said I'd get help and I meant it.  Codeword: Fisherman."

The guards seemed to accept this, and one with what looked to be maybe a couple of rank badges approached them.  "Never doubted you for a second, sir," he said, tossing off a sharp salute.  "We've got movement figures.  The generals would like to talk to you."

Steve nodded.  "Tell them we'll be there."

He looked back over his friends.  "Everybody make it?"

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2010-12-29 04:07 am UTC (link)
"I'm not big on oppression myself. I'll join the slave pens team." Justin says.

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2010-12-29 05:46 am UTC (link)
"We're in New York, believe it or not," Steve told Mac. "So we're not far from the Atlantic Ocean or any of the rivers. Plenty of water still."

He went on. "We've got a few small boarding craft for the assault on the mothership. We believe there's still some prisoners there. I'll be joining that team."

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2010-12-29 06:14 am UTC (link)
"Then perhaps we should set your plan into motion. Before we do, however, what information do you have regarding the slave pens that can be given before the assault?"

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2010-12-29 07:53 am UTC (link)
"Great. I'll make a quick trip before we break atmo."

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2010-12-30 11:22 pm UTC (link)
"So am I going solo here?" Iron Girl asked.

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2010-12-30 11:26 pm UTC (link)
"Hmm. Yeah. I mean you've got plenty of the locals, but is the power plant going to require more heavy lifters, Steve?"

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2010-12-31 03:25 am UTC (link)
"It shouldn't," Steve said. "The Malacandrans basically were able to run roughshod over this Earth because they attacked before the Age of Heroes. They're definitely not on the level of the Kree or the Skrull, they were just the biggest thing Earth had to deal with then.

Don't underestimate them... but they're not at all used to fighting people with any kind of power."

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2010-12-31 05:14 am UTC (link)
"Noted. Let's get this show rolling. Time waits for no one, not even Eternals."

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