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nextgen_eternal ([info]nextgen_eternal) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-11 13:35:00

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Entry tags:alex quill, azura/abel, iason, inactive - dae, lady devil, plot-"the hunt for adam warlock", rocket red panda, team - guardians of the galaxy

Your Mission Should You Choose to Accept It
The spaceship approached Knowhere Station at an alarming speed. Ships usually decelerated before trying to enter one of the hangar bays, but this one didn't show any signs of slowing down. Alarms went off all over the station as the ship drew closer. Fighters launched to intercept the incoming ship.

The pilot of the small craft had the sense to contact the command center in the station when she saw the ships moving to intercept. The fighters backed off and the incoming ship slowed a little. It wasn't enough and the ship crossed the forcefield barrier to the one hangar bay. The ship's landing gear touched the deck, but the ship kept moving. It skidded across the bay and came to a halt after hitting the far wall.

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2011-02-18 12:30 am UTC (link)
"Am being much cuter," Red declared. "Everyone say so."

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2011-02-18 12:53 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, but you're a ginger. You don't have a soul." A beat, before looking to the new girl.

"Beautiful women excluded." He shrugs. Earth humor he'd never quite fully understood, but had picked up anyway.

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2011-02-18 01:42 am UTC (link)
She can't help but grin. "Watch out for us soulless gingers. We might decide to take yours."

She has to at least get involved with the conversation.

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2011-02-18 01:49 am UTC (link)
"Red's right. He is much cuter," Azura smirked and scritched behind Red's ear.

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2011-02-18 01:52 am UTC (link)
"If everyone is ready to go, I will fly escort. I can keep up with the ship. Eliza, I trust you'll be fine on board with this crew?"

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2011-02-18 01:59 am UTC (link)
Red made happy noises as Azura scritched behind his ears. He gave Alex a "ladies love me" wink.

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2011-02-18 02:11 am UTC (link)
"Much obliged, big guy." Alex confirms to Iason, after rolling his eyes at Red's antics.

"All right assorted bipeds and anthromorphs, we're in business." Alex confirms they're go for launch, and fires up the engines. "Azura, I need you on backup for navigation. Red, get yourself set. Everyone else just make yourself comfy."

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2011-02-18 02:15 am UTC (link)
"That's right." She pauses to press a kiss to Iason. She has been doing that and simply touching him as much as she could.

"I'll see you when we get there." She moves to get on the ship so she can go grab a seat.

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2011-02-19 11:24 pm UTC (link)
"I'm going to give my brother some air time. He wants to do some work on the ship," Azura said. She disappeared and in her place was a green haired and golden skin guy. "Um, hi," he said.

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2011-02-19 11:27 pm UTC (link)
Red's eyes went wide and he looked over at Alex. "Were you knowing she could do that?"

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2011-02-20 03:36 pm UTC (link)
That was...surprising.

"So it seems that there were two cousins I was unaware of before today," Dae commented. "Interesting."

And this one seemed to be the engineer of the ship. That was fortuitous. Perhaps Dae was going to get along well with this one in the future. He walked up closer to Azura's brother and offered his hand.

"Greetings. I am Dae," he greeted, not knowing if his name was already known to this guy. Regardless, that was a proper greeting.

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2011-02-20 08:13 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not surprised Azura has not mentioned me," he said with a frown. "One would think she is embarrassed about her twin. I am Abel. Son of Adam Warlock and Gamora."

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2011-02-20 08:21 pm UTC (link)
"Don't worry Abe, you're both pretty. Alex gives a nod to Abel, then turns to Red as he starts flipping switches.

"It's my job to know these things."

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2011-02-20 08:26 pm UTC (link)
"Why am always being the last to know?" Red mused, as he settled into his seat at the weapons' console.

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