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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-04-20 21:55:00

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Entry tags:buck rogers, frances barton, jack murdock, kalypso, mac rider, orlen strange, plot-"objects from space", team - avengers, toni rhodes

Hartley, Texas
The small town of Hartley, Texas was not much more than a wide spot in the road that was situated about an hour northwest of Amarillo. The town was small and the surrounding area consisted of mostly ranches and farms and nothing special ever happened in Hartely.

Until a meteorite burned across the west Texas night sky and landed just outside the town on property belonging to one Martin Reynolds. Martin promptly hauled the meteor into town in his pickup. The townspeople all gathered around to see the hunk of space debris that had crashed to Earth.

The strange space rock was put in the center of town and over the next few days it was the center of the talk of the town and the focus of their attention.

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2012-05-09 02:06 pm UTC (link)
"Uh," Frances pawed at her quiver and squinted to eyeball the length left. "Twenty-five yards give or take after that, and yeah, carbon nano-fibers can be decently conductive. Whatcha need, Buckminister?" Orlen had retreated to a rooftop after, but she held out going for higher ground to cover for Buck's plan. "Mr. Wizard just got pinged hard, there's some fight in these guys still."

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2012-05-09 03:43 pm UTC (link)
"All the cabling, fences, all of that is just slowdown measures... Orlen and Kal, back off much as you can and do what you're doing.

Everyone else, get under cover while they're blinded. I'm going to draw some attention and try and group them up.

Soon as I do, use what's on the field - fences, wiring, and Hawkeye's cable arrows to just get as many as you can in contact with something conductive - Toni - when they're all tangled up, light the whole thing up."

He trusts the others to get into hiding, then darts out into the field, throwing down tear gas to make sure they're extra upset, and make sure they're not seeing entirely clearly - give him some edge in hand to hand, anyway.

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2012-05-09 10:54 pm UTC (link)
Toni rose a little into the air.

"You got it, Buck."

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2012-05-10 08:16 pm UTC (link)
Kal flew quickly through the town as she searched for any mind that wasn't so changed. She caught a glimmer of human thought and flew faster in an effort to track it down.

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2012-05-10 10:16 pm UTC (link)
Mac just took cover for a moment.

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2012-05-10 10:23 pm UTC (link)
Nicolai dive behind a SUV to take cover.

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2012-05-11 04:32 am UTC (link)
He shook his head and snapped out of it. "I'm cool Arwen Thanks for the-" He saw a creature try to jump her but shot it full on. "Help." he smiled then winked at her. "You owe me dinner for that!" He took to the skies giving many of the teammates cover shooting bolts of energy below him keeping to the skies.

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2012-05-11 05:52 pm UTC (link)
Frances had her orders and grabbed her cabled arrows, threading them through legs and under arms. "You just keep them away for another few minutes, Gandalf." The last of cable came off the spool and she tied it to some wrecked fence to ensure contact and conduction "It's all you, Toni!" she shouted and ran like hell for cover herself.

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2012-05-11 06:24 pm UTC (link)
Buck has been doing his best, at risk to himself, to draw as many of the creates as he could into a tight group for the people with the conducting substances. As soon as he hears the shout, he throws himself as far clear as he can.

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2012-05-11 10:22 pm UTC (link)
The crackle of electricity, the pulse of the electromagnetic fields of the Earth in her ears, the surge of power her body generated... Toni was outmatched by many mutants or other super-heroes out there, but when it came to the Avengers, she was proud of the contributions she could make, being one of the bigger guns on the team.

In this moment, however, she was contented by the surging of her power and the feel of the electricity. She built up a charge, electricity swirling around her...

And then she let loose.

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2012-05-12 02:19 am UTC (link)
Kal followed the mental signature as best as she could. It got stronger and she flew faster. Once she had a good lock on it, she probed deeper trying to determine what happened in this town.

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2012-05-12 02:24 am UTC (link)
The monsters were wrapped up by the cable and when the electricity coursed through it they stopped in their tracks and started convulsing. They all fell to the ground.

Unfortunately they weren't the only residents of the town. Other altered townspeople heard the commotion and started to make their way toward Main St.

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2012-05-12 02:35 am UTC (link)
Buck ducks for an alley to speak into comms. "Worked like a charm, but we need to buy more time. Oren, find Kal, help with whatever she's up to. Hawk, Nic, we'll lead them off and buy time. Gather up the cabling and reload soon as the field is clear, since we're a little short on area stuns. Toni, big light show thirty yards to my eight. Everyone else, with me, head for the light show she tosses up. We need to run them around a bit and buy time - keep them off of the people resetting the cable arrows."

He drops a couple smoke bombs to give the people staying in this area some cover from the streets nearest, and heads for a parked car, bouncing off it, to an awning, and up to the second story of a two story building, before waving his arms and trying to get monster attention before bolting down the street.

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2012-05-12 02:55 am UTC (link)
Nicolai rolled his eyes at the Nic before draw his gun. Taking some careful fast aim as he rang he shot at the nearby cars to set off the alarms to draw the big guys attention.

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2012-05-14 12:36 am UTC (link)
Mac will head for Toni.

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2012-05-14 10:34 pm UTC (link)
All right... big light show. What Buck wants, he gets.

Like a Tesla coil, Toni lit up the sky.

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2012-05-15 01:01 am UTC (link)
Kal flew through the town and the mental signature was getting stronger. She stopped in front of a house and knew the person was in there.

Carefully she entered the house and found a teen of about thirteen or fourteen stood in the kitchen. The girl wasn't fully human and she wasn't fully transformed either.

Kal willed her to go to sleep and then started to scan her mind to find out what happened. It was easier than asking. It only took a few moments to find out what happened.

It was a meteor that did this. A farmer found it and brought it to town. It's just outside of city hall. It took a few days, but it started to affect the townspeople."

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2012-05-15 01:08 am UTC (link)
Buck is still working with Toni and Nicolai on distraction duty, trying to draw the new arrivals away so others can collect the cable again, now that they've found a way to slow groups down.

"Ok, good to know. Direct exposure would probably be a problem for most of us. Oren, meet up with Kal. You two are the least likely to be affected, with your protections. Go check it out, we'll keep up the show and try and draw attention away from you."

A glance to see how the rest of the team is doing. "You heard her. Toni, keep it up. We need to get these things away from City Hall to give them some time to analyze it and try and figure out a reversal. Anyone have a background in applicable sciences?"

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2012-05-15 05:10 am UTC (link)
He folded his arms together and the crackle of energy encircled him as he focused his mind on kal. Within moments he was hovering above her. "Kal? Kal?" He called out to her but found her near the rock and the girl. She gave a call out on what happen. "I can encase the rock safely for transport. I don't think we'd want to leave this here." he looked over to Kal. "is she ok?"

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2012-05-15 11:17 am UTC (link)
Frances scrambled up onto a storefront's rooftop and took up position for sniper-work. From higher up she could get a better view of everything. "City Hall, we've got a handful heading from that way. And they looked pissed." She shot at or near monsters to steer them away, or clip ones too close to the team. "I'm putting down deterrent to clear the rock for pick up and keep anyone else from super-sizing."

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2012-05-15 11:05 pm UTC (link)
Toni kept up the light-show, occasionally drawing a little power off the town powergrid to keep her own energy levels up.

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2012-05-16 01:06 am UTC (link)
Nicolai kept up with making as much noise as possible setting off alarms where ever he could while playing keep away with the town folks Mr. Hyde's.

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2012-05-16 04:29 pm UTC (link)
The mutated townspeople stopped and watched the light show, thoroughly distracted for the moment.

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2012-05-17 08:18 pm UTC (link)
"I'm fine," she told Orlen. I'm going to go look for the meteor. she sent to Buck and the others. What should I do with it once I find it?

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2012-05-17 08:24 pm UTC (link)
"We need to find a way to reverse its effects. You and Orlen stick together, contain it and, if needed, get it somewhere you can study it, scan it, whatever you can do between the two of you. We'll keep them off of you.

Toni - they seem to like that. Drain off the town's energy reserves as much as you need to, but keep it up. Everyone else other than Hawkeye - form a perimeter where you can see another Avenger. We're on distraction duty - try to limit risks. We have to find a way to reverse the effects - and hopefully our mage and eternal can manage."

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(no subject) - [info]favoredheir, 2012-05-17 09:45 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]toni_rhodes, 2012-05-17 11:35 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]nextgen_shield, 2012-05-18 08:05 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2012-05-18 10:46 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]treadlightly, 2012-05-18 10:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]strangeson, 2012-05-21 04:37 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2012-05-22 12:47 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]nextgen_monster, 2012-05-22 07:01 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]treadlightly, 2012-05-22 07:08 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]toni_rhodes, 2012-05-22 11:33 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fleetfootmac, 2012-05-23 10:42 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2012-05-23 11:58 pm UTC

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