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TreadLightly ([info]treadlightly) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-09 12:48:00

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Entry tags:adrienne batroc, antaeus, anya stark, argo, asleif, awesome andrea, bea dayspring, bram harker, buck rogers, eric phillips, etoile lebeau, giovanna bennet, grogg, jenny woolverton, kalypso, lyta worthington, martin baum, misha loganovich, nicholas salem, nicolai sablinova, nimue smallwood, perenawska, plot-"eve of destruction", ryan spector, shane ostrum, sunset, svalin, team - alpha flight, team - avengers, team - big hero 6, team - champions, team - defenders, team - future foundation, team - genoshans, team - nightstalkers, team - shield, team - thunderbolts, toni rhodes, valeria richards

Its the End of the World as We Know It
They'd done their scouting. They've put up all the defenses they could, and put themselves in a position to attack. Buck has reviewed what they have on hand, and the situations exploding around them.

"Alright, folks, thank you for your patience. I know its been a tense situation waiting and doing patrol work... but I think we've identified some key points in the enemy strategy. We're still going to have to be careful. We're dealing with major influences here, but...

Alpha Flight... and their current guests, should be obvious. There's every sign that more of the Great Beasts will be awoken... that's a top priority situation.

X-Men... and the Genoshans - in following up the uprisings earlier, we've identified a 'Cult of Apocalypse', who took the whole massive fight before as a sign its time for En Sabbah Nur's awakening. We've located some of their likely strike points, your leadership has marked maps.

Champions and Thunderbolts, we've located a massive danger in the Red Lord. Its been determined that it will likely take both teams to deal with it.

Nightstalkers and Big Hero 6, we have a second target of the same type, Sakhmet. You two are on that.

SHIELD will be picking up on all of the general monitoring, crowd safety and control, and other work we've been doing in the lead up to this.

Finally, Avengers, Defenders and FF - you're with me. We're targeting the masterminds behind this.

Any questions?"

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2013-01-10 05:21 pm UTC (link)
"Understood," Andrea said.

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2013-01-10 05:22 pm UTC (link)
Jenny was ready to move. All this standing around in a crowded area made her a little antsy.

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2013-01-10 05:24 pm UTC (link)
Working with the X-Geeks again. Great. Taking orders from some flag-wrapped flatscan. Great.

Red letter day here. Rikki was ready to go hit things.

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2013-01-10 06:14 pm UTC (link)
"Alright then," Franklin said.

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2013-01-10 06:17 pm UTC (link)
Emily closed her eyes and made a silent prayer. This wasn't going to be easy.

"I wish everyone the best of luck," she said.

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2013-01-10 06:19 pm UTC (link)
Gabriel stretched his wings.

"Yeah, let's get to it."

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2013-01-10 06:30 pm UTC (link)
Jack said nothing. He'd move out with his team.

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2013-01-10 10:38 pm UTC (link)
"Let me know where you want me and I'm there."

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2013-01-10 10:40 pm UTC (link)
Nicolai was ready to go and had SSI and the Wild Pack on call for help as needed.

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2013-01-10 10:46 pm UTC (link)
Shane wasn't really thrilled about having to work with the Genoshans again but there were worse thing going on.

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2013-01-10 10:49 pm UTC (link)
"Anyone without a current team or assignment can either work with people they have the most familiarity with, if those team leaders will have them, or report to Sammy Fury for crowd control and patrol work assignments."

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2013-01-12 08:37 pm UTC (link)
Lyta nodded. She wasn't entirely thrilled about working with the Genoshans, either, but she'd do it for the mission.

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2013-01-12 08:39 pm UTC (link)
Valeria didn't say anything. She knew what she and her team had to do.

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2013-01-13 01:45 am UTC (link)
"Well, it's agreed then, isn't it? Let's go save the world."

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