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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-03-31 23:01:00

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Entry tags:frances barton, martin baum

Small animals make everything more fun...right?

He'd been polite and had even used that knocking-spell Orlen had set up on her place to get permission before teleporting in. He didn't really see the point of it really, but if that was what people wanted...alright then.
Currently he was set up on her living room floor, sitting there and showing off new minor spells he'd been practicing. As if the poor archer's place didn't have enough magic in it, here he was infusing extra in the air. "May I have something to drink please?" Magic was thirsty work and one did not manage to make her books dance to The Black Keys without needing a refreshment. Disney had it right, musicals were best with normally inanimate objects. 

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2013-06-17 08:16 pm UTC (link)
Whatever could he be indicating, thing on top on of his head that wasn't there at the moment? She rolled her eyes dramatically and headed back to the kitchen. "Alright, alright, you can have your hat. See? I didn't do anything to it," she pointed out and put it on the felt next to him. "It's not your size, you know. Not even those ears will prop it up."

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2013-06-17 10:19 pm UTC (link)
Great, bunny sign language was understood! One hurdle down!

He twitched his nose at her in response and scurried over to his hat, sniffing it and running around it to be sure it was still fine. More blue smoke came off him and he nuzzled his fur against the hat, almost trying to rub off the smoke with the hat. Well he wanted to get rid of the excess magic fast, and his lucky magic hat was actually magic and served not just as storage but to help him catch and absorb any accidental sparks of magic that his gloves let out here and there.

There was a good minute of the tiny bunny scurrying around his hat and rubbing against it until there was a good cloud of blue smoke around him. Then, just as it looked like he was going to go around again, there was a resounding BANG and the young mage popped up mid-air just above the edge of the pool table, and landed on it, slipping off and hitting the floor with a very loud thud.


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2013-06-18 11:24 pm UTC (link)
Looks like she guessed right, the way he paced around it to check for damage or something. She noticed the smoke and self-preservation told her to back up a few feet, because that wasn't good. Squinting suspiciously at the Rub-on-the-Hat dance, she was about to ask what he was doing when -BANG- and she jumped for the couch.

"Martin?" she asked around a couch-arm, looking at a pile of human legs sticking out from behind the table's. "You dead?"

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2013-06-18 11:32 pm UTC (link)
"...." Was the only answer at first, he was feeling a bit put out and embarrassed. And that fall had hurt. He was not a rough and tumble fighter by any means.

"...dead or astral shouldn't hurt..."

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2013-06-18 11:52 pm UTC (link)
Getting up from her hiding spot, Frances cautiously walked around the furniture to check out her little mage. In retrospect, probably should have put him on the floor first. She hid a smile and just frowned at him in concern as he sat on the floor. "Martin, do you think the ears will tuck up into the hat?"

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2013-06-19 12:02 am UTC (link)
Still sprawled out on the floor, his legs half up and on the pool table, Martin turned his head and squinted at her. "Wha-" Then his eyes grew wide as the realization hit. Oh shoot! In blind panic his gloved hands came up to clamp onto the sides his head to frantically check.

No bunny ears.

He frowned and pouted at her. "...Not funny."

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2013-06-19 12:09 am UTC (link)
She laughed and leaned on the table, smirking at him. Shrugging lightly, she didn't seem too distraught about her prank. "You made me an owl and then had me bunny-sit a very sassy little Flopsy. It was adequate payback."

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2013-06-19 12:21 am UTC (link)
He sat up and pouted at her as he rubbed the back of his head and checked for bruises and bumps. Ow. He didn't like this falling business, why did the superheroes seem to do it so much?

Putting on a dignified face, he huffed. "Well I turned you back and fixed you."

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2013-06-19 08:14 pm UTC (link)
"Yes you did. And then stole my lunch snack," she teased and crouched on the floor to look at him eye to eye. "You sure you okay? I don't want think that you are going to whiplash back to a bunny in an hour." She waved her finger slowly in front of his face to check his eye would follow smoothly.

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2013-06-19 08:56 pm UTC (link)
He nodded. "It doesn't work that way, I won't turn back to a bunny unless I try." Which he was not going to be trying anytime soon. Though he was feeling a bit banged up from the fall. Martin's eyes followed the finger accusingly. "What's that for?"

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2013-06-19 09:49 pm UTC (link)
"Says you. Sometimes magic does squirrelly things," she countered. She laughed at his suspicious look and pulled back. "You hit your head, in the back, right? Medics do that to see if you hurt the brain area involving vision. Your pupils go weird and your eyes shake if there's trouble." She shrugged and added, "Mundane-wise, you're okay."

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2013-06-19 10:39 pm UTC (link)
"It's only squirrelly because you don't know how it works," he smiled, slightly smugly, and teased her. "That sounds like someone being possessed." He stretched out his shoulders a bit, frowning at the soreness. "Hey, can we watch those lord of the ring movies now? I think we did the adventure part, and the rooms need to air out the magic."

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2013-06-19 11:42 pm UTC (link)
"Sounds like a plan," she agreed with a fond sigh. "I'm all magicked out, myself. I'll make some popcorn and we can take over the rec room." She stood up and grinned, brushing off her legs from the crouch. "What do you think, cinnamon-sugar or paprika on the popcorn? "

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2013-06-19 11:47 pm UTC (link)
"But you don't have any magic to begin with!" Martin got to his feet, a little shaky but still on them, and wrinkles his nose at her. "White cheddar."

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2013-06-21 12:27 pm UTC (link)
She, nobly and maturely, doesn't point out the fact they are having this conversation is because his magic had a hiccup. Instead, she just smirks and nods with the food order. "Aright white cheddar for you. Hopefully you all have a vending machine around because Reeses Pieces were made for hot popcorn."

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2013-06-21 07:11 pm UTC (link)
His hat floats from the pool table to land itself on his head where it belongs. "I think we have Reeses Pieces. We have a lot of food, but not much stuff for cooking. Most of us can't cook," he explains.

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2013-06-23 09:25 pm UTC (link)
She shakes her head and sighs. "Cooking is one of those skills you kinda need, but oh well. Sometimes you just can't. Still, you wanna set up the movie while I get the popcorn or you'd rather I poke the electronics, Pip?"

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2013-06-23 09:44 pm UTC (link)
One of his discs appears under him and he sits on it, legs dangling over the side, as it rises a bit so they're eye level. "Well Anya blew up the kitchen last time she tried. So she doesn't know how to cook." He sounded incredibly put out by that, entirely because he hadn't been witness to the kitchen destruction. "Jack doesn't seem to know anything, Manny has hand issues too...I don't know about the others, I haven't seen them cook either though." Another moment of thought, considering what'd be more risky, the buttons on the entertainment stuff or the microwave. "I can do the popcorn, I think. I don't know how all the TV stuff is set up..."

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2013-06-24 05:19 pm UTC (link)
She grimaced painfully at the list People Who Can't Cook, regardless of the pyrotechnics of the kitchen disasters. "It's a miracle you all don't starve or have scurvy." With a sigh, she rubbed her neck and waited for him to decide on which task was his. "Neither do I," she pointed out cheerfully, but let him have popcorn duty as she turned for the big screen. "Remember, if there's no popping for more than five counts, pull the bag out so there's no scorching. And, Reeses Pieces for me, cheddar for you."

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2013-06-25 01:52 am UTC (link)
"We have take out!" His disc zoomed him off to the kitchen as he called back, "Got it!" Getting buttons pushed on microwaves was a far less dangerous task than all those TV ones, in his opinion at least. He manages that part, even carefully counting out the five counts so the popcorn didn't burn. By the time his usual blue teleporting flame pops up in the living room, he's gotten the instructions down (with some difficulty but manageable in the end), cheddar flavouring on his popcorn and Reeses Pieces with Frances'. "I made it myself," he grinned proudly.

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2013-06-25 06:43 pm UTC (link)
She leaned over to give the bowls of popcorn cursory sniffs and nodded proudly. "Well done, Pip, they look great," she praised and gestured to the screen which a) on and b) showing the main page of the DVDs. "I was able to figure out the TV without accidentally breaking something, so win win." France headed out to grab two glasses of water, one with a straw. Plopping on one couch comfortably, she left him the others before starting the movie, "Get comfy, we'll be here a while."

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2013-06-25 07:13 pm UTC (link)
He beamed at the approval and hopped onto the main couch, but keeping to one end so she had the other one. He was supposed to be getting used to crowds and being around people, usually he'd get the armchair off to the side, it gave him the most space between him and anyone else. But he figured same couch was a good improvement. When she returned with water (the one with the straw got her a very thankful smile) he floated her bowl of popcorn over to her and got comfortable in his corner. "Okay, but are they really that long? And I want to see the magic in the movie!"

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2013-06-25 11:24 pm UTC (link)
Yes water, she didn't forget the double shake attack from earlier. Smirking at the couch sharing, she eyed where all the pillows in reach could be found. Just in case. "These are the extended editions, Pip! You're looking at over two hours each!" She took her bowl and settled it in her lap with a sigh. "Well, it's not like Harry Potter, Pip. Gandalf's gotta let the Three Races do this themselves, and not save the day for them. So it's subdued, but when he kicks butt, he's pretty awesome."

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2013-06-26 02:23 am UTC (link)
"I started reading the Hobbit," he piped up, feeling like that was an important thing to mention now. Even though he hadn't finished or gotten into the LOTR trilogy yet. "Oooh. Okay. So he's letting them do it for themselves which is why he can't be awesome all the time, just when they really need it? Dr. Strange does that!" He smiled, quite happy that at least if they were going to subdue the magic it was for awesome, slightly related to Dr. Strange (he could relate almost anything to his mentor it seemed), reasons. "Wait. There are 3 races and the magic ones right? Are the sorcerers their own race or no? Like are there elf mages and dwarf mages along with the human ones? And are we going to cheer for the archer people? You have to tell me if their shooting is good enough or you could do better."

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2013-06-26 04:16 pm UTC (link)
"That's not an easy read, good for you." She blinked at little as Martin reasoned that Gandalf held back so that others had character development and decided to humor his analysis and nodded. "That's it, they steer and tweak where they can. If they push too much, there's trouble." Nevermind that science made magic weaker, but hey, let's not anger the little sorcerer.

She smirked and pulled out her geek card because no one was around. "There's like five good races and three bad running around, Pip, and only five Istari, the wizards. Humans with some elf blood in their lines are long lived and can charm horses or heal, but otherwise nothing magical. Hobbits don't bother with silly things like magic when there's things to grow and things to cook." He love that statement. "Dwarves weren't made like Men and Elves and prefer solid and real things. Elves fashion themselves as the wardens and protectors of nature, but the eldest and closest to the Valar are most powerful, like Galadriel and Celeborn." Tossing some popcorn in her mouth, she smirked. "Yesh there are archers, elves do everything pretty, even archery".

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(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2013-06-26 04:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-06-26 05:32 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2013-06-26 05:43 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-06-26 06:00 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2013-06-26 06:49 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-06-27 12:24 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2013-06-27 12:38 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-06-27 01:28 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2013-06-27 01:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-06-27 01:37 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2013-06-27 01:48 am UTC

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