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Vicious_Cycle ([info]vicious_cycle) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-14 14:14:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, argo, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, lady devil, nicholas salem, perenawska, plot-"the encroaching darkness", plot-"we are the champions", team - champions

The Devil Came Down to Louisiana
Its been a long ride, though as the Rider goes, a fast one. The trail led him, eventually, to the outskirts of New Orleans, and, of all things, an abandoned amusement park. Before exploring too far, he lets the flems die out, returning to his mortal guise, and hits the nearest payphone to let the team know where he's at.

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2010-01-15 09:51 pm UTC (link)
"I hath heard of this city," Argo mused. "They say it be a city of debauchery and loose morals!"

He considered this for a moment. "I may stay here when our mission art done."

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2010-01-16 05:54 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not surprised," Irina said to Argo.

"Let's find Pluto's agent and get this done with."

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2010-01-17 01:07 am UTC (link)
Lyta nodded. "She's right. We've got work to do. Testing how loose one's morals are can wait."

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2010-01-17 01:10 am UTC (link)
Nicholas nods. The flames spread over his head again and his flesh melts into the skeletal hands and skull of the rider. The bike undergoes its own transformation. The engine revs itself, and the wheels light, the bike coming to its master.

Swinging his leg over the bike, the rider waves to the others. "This way then."

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2010-01-17 02:26 am UTC (link)
Lyta flew, the Ghost Rider has the bike, young Corey could ride on boulders, even Eliza had means of swinging around. Argo shook his head slightly. He really needed to find a better way to get around.

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2010-01-17 03:49 am UTC (link)
Irina followed the Rider on foot. She didn't need to open a portal to get inside. Her knives were drawn and ready.

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2010-01-17 04:36 am UTC (link)
Eliza has her swing line ready if she has to go up. But otherwise she is fine to stick close to the ground. It seems much more stealthy than to be seen in her bright red costume up off the ground.

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2010-01-17 04:41 am UTC (link)
Lyta flew overhead, to give them an aerial view. Just in case something popped out at them.

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2010-01-17 04:48 am UTC (link)
Argo followed along on foot, moving confidently. He was, after all, the Son of Hercules. There was little he could not handle.

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