Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Ginger McAvery and OPEN
Setting: Outside the newly opened Cafe
Content: SFW, girly stuff for sure.
Summary: Ginger's once again avoiding school work. This time it is in favor of nibbling on carrots and watching a coffee grow cold. But mostly she's catching out the new Vogue, trying not to think about how hungry she is.

Ginger's mocha had gone from hot to lukewarm while she sat on the Cafe patio. She liked the smell of it, the warm rich scent and the hint of chocolate. It was easily one of the best smells in the world, and she didn't dare ever take a sip. She'd seen what had happened to people like Britney Spears when they indulged in things like coffee. No way was she going to fall victim to that. Absolutely no way. Though maybe the smell of it could make you gain weight too. And she had gained weight in the last week. She was lucky that her skirt still looked decent on her.

That was why she'd gone on a strict diet the past week. Carefully portioned meals of carrots and celery, sometimes lettuce (which, she'd found out, was mostly water. Bonus.) And last week she'd stopped to smell the coffee a lot. Maybe it was connected.

Flipping a page in her magazine, she reached up to rub her head. There was that dull, again; it had plagued her all week and nothing could make it go away. She was almost tempted to go Nurse McScruffy and ask him to wave his wand or whatever. Surely there was a spell for that sort of thing, right?

"Ug," she said finally, throwing a carrot down in a bit of disgust, "so sick of carrots." Looking up she spied someone walking her way. Only it wasn't the person she found herself focusing on, but the large, sweet muffin they had in their hand. Moaning a little bit, she sighed while hunching forward. "OMG I want that so bad."

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samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: March 27th, 2011 04:45 pm (UTC) (Link)
Sam had every intension of taking advantage of the new cafe. Coffee, muffins, and plenty of open tables outside where he could just chill and write a few lines... maybe attempt to do his homework. His trail of thought got completely derailed when he heard an unfamiliar voice. He looked to the source of the voice and saw Ginger, a fellow cheerleader then he looked back to his muffin.

"Oh," he said. "We can go halfsies if you want," he suggested. "I don't think I could eat the whole thing myself."
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: March 28th, 2011 01:53 pm (UTC) (Link)
Ginger pulled her gaze from the muffin Sam's hands up to his eyes and blushed a little. She hadn't really meant to say that out loud, now had she? But then again, was she really going to turn him down? Sam was, if nothing else, a cute boy. And what was the harm in just eating half?

"Uh, sure...if you want? I mean.." She blushed a little more, giggling nervously as she ducked her head down. "I totally didn't mean to like, hijack your muffin. OMG, that didn't..." She shook her head, then, looking back up to blink once and smile. "I mean, uh...I just..How are you?"
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: March 28th, 2011 03:19 pm (UTC) (Link)
Sam laughed easily, taking the seat across from Ginger. "It's alright, like I said, these things are monstrous, you need a stomach of steel to eat an entire muffin yourself," he said cutting it in half. He put half on his napkin and half on the plate, handing the plate over to Ginger.

"I'm doing alright," he shrugged, still smiling. "I've got some studying to do eventually with exams coming up," he sipped on his coffee. "What about you?"
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: March 31st, 2011 03:51 pm (UTC) (Link)
Ginger tried not too look too eager when he slid the muffin a toward her. Hopefully no one would be looking, she thought, as she pinched off a piece and popped it into her mouth. Sighing softly, she let her eyes flutter a bit at the sheer joy of having real food in her mouth. "I know, right? Like I don't know how anyone can eat all this food they make here, but like someone has to right?"

She grinned, tilting her head to the side as she leaned in a bit. Where had this little piece of dream been her whole life? "I bet you are like, really smart and stuff. I so don't wanna even think about exam, cos like...I just don't get it, you know. Like all this stuff they wanna know on the test, and I'm like 'hello, so not gonna be using this ever.'" She shrugged, "but otherwise, I am alright. Between guys right now, which is kinda lame." She pouted, "I mean...who will go do all that cute fun stuff with me? So not doing the solo act for movie nights."
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: March 31st, 2011 04:51 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Right?" he asked taking a little smidgen off his muffin and popping it into his mouth. "They probably have a little lunch committee to eat the left overs," he joked. "You should see Beauregard," he grinned. "Mounds of baked goods all the time, our house could feed an army."

Sam sat back a little, a lazy smile drifting across his lips. She was cute, this fellow cheerleader. He gave a little shrug. "Nah, aint really smart, but I get by. Not gonna brag or anything but I'm real good at potions and herbology if you ever need any help with that. My mom would probably kill me if I got poor marks in those classes," he laughed.

"Awww," he said sympathetically. "There's no way a girl like you couldn't find a guy to do cute things with. Any guy would be lucky to bring you to the movies," he schmoozed a bit.
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: March 31st, 2011 06:10 pm (UTC) (Link)
That sounded horrible and amazing at the same time. A whole dorm full of baked things? Ug, people there were probably wicked fat. Still she laughed with him, seeing as that was what people were supposed to do right? "OMG, that is probably fantastic."

"Really? I like, don't take that stuff anymore. I have a pretty tight schedule, though. Flying is so easy, except for the whole I hate it, thing. I mean, just think. It would be like, totally easy to just fall. And I'm too young to like...break a leg like that." Or die. But she didn't want to put it like that. "Is your mom really good at that stuff, though?"

Cue the sweet hint of blushing. Ah, Sam. Where had he been before now? Honestly, how had she not dated this guy before? "Aw, but lately all the good ones have been taken." She said softly, leaning forward on her elbows as she smiled at him. "Like you. I bet you have all the girls knocking at your door."
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: March 31st, 2011 06:21 pm (UTC) (Link)
He laughed and gave a little nod. "Yeah, it's something," he said patting his belly. "Gotta work it all off though."

"Yeah, always gotta make sure you have a quick wand around you when you take off. I'm not a big fan of flying either. I like to stick to the ground." He snuck another sip of coffee before going on. "Oh yeah, my parents own Botiques de les Fluers," he said the name of his parents shop with a delightful lilt to his already Cajun accent.

The subtlest of blushes rose at the base of his neck, that hadn't happened in a long time. Had it been that long since he had flirted? "Ah me?" he said putting his hand to his chest. "Nah, I'm more like everyone's teddy bear. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride, as they say," he grinned.
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: March 31st, 2011 06:40 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Well, you do a good job of it. Working it off that is." She grinned, tilting her head down as she peeked up at him through her lashes.

"Oh, that's so cool. I wish my parents did something sweet like that together." She waved that conversation off quickly enough though. Anytime her parents came up in conversation, bad things happened. Or Lexi appeared out of thin air. Or both. "And the ground is so much better anyway. A lot more fun stuff happens down here, like...dancing, and kissing."

Reaching across the little table she gave him a small, playful shove. "Oh as if! I would totally fix that if it were the case. You've probably got like tons of secret admirers and you totally don't know it."
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: March 31st, 2011 07:09 pm (UTC) (Link)
He beamed at her. "Gymnastics takes care of that for me," he laughed. "A boombah belly makes it a lot harder to flip around."

Sam's smile was a bit forced, his parents relationship was still under stress but it was not something he liked talking about, not even to his best friend. He shrugged a little. "Yeah they're dorks." He moved right along with her. "Agreed, you can't dance on a broom and kissing... well... much better on the ground. No need to risk falling."

"Yeah right," he laughed, slightly tossing back his head. "I'm like... girl repellent lately," he said rubbing the back of his neck.
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: March 31st, 2011 11:51 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Ooh, I always adore a flexible man. Such a rare thing these days." She said with a giggle and a beam of her own. Nimbly, too, she moved her chair about the table so that she was closer to Sam, instead of across from him.

Resting her head on and upturned palm, she kept her full attention on her fellow Cheerleader as he spoke. "Better dorks than at each others throat, all I have to say." Before she laughed and nodded in agreement. "So much better to do kissing on the ground. Bugs, wind, who knows what else is up there. Total disaster waiting to happen

Again, though, she playfully swatted at him. "You are no such thing! What makes you think something silly like that?"
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 1st, 2011 12:14 am (UTC) (Link)
He gave his own little scoot, getting slightly closer to Ginger and grinning at her. "It's kind of nice not to get picked on for it for once," he laughed. Teenage boys had a tendency to be cruel about the whole gymnastics and cheerleading thing. He let it slide all the time but still, it was nice. "I could have been nationally ranked but decided to come to school instead."

He nodded quietly at that. What about dorks who are constantly at each other's throats? He kept his thoughts to himself and smiled at her, leaning in a little closer. "Well, that's true, best not to take any unnecessary risks."

He laughed at her swat and shook his head again. "Oh I don't know. I can't seem to get it right."
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 1st, 2011 07:17 pm (UTC) (Link)
"If someone picks on you for it, they clearly just envy your skills." She bet Lexi was guilty of such things, he was so rude at times. It was hard to imagine he was her own brother at times. "Well you always have after school, to be ranked, right?"

Leaning in a little more, she grinned at him as she lowered her voice. "But shh, we'll keep it our little secret. No need to let everyone else crash our party."

When he shook his head, though, Ginger stuck her tongue out at him before leaning in to press her lips against his cheek. "Maybe you jus5 need some practice. Because I am not repelled in the slightest." She grinned at him. "I think you are cute, actually."
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 1st, 2011 10:01 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I never thought of it like that," he smiled brightly. In fact, why wouldn't they be jealous? He spent a lot of time with all the girls just hanging out and cheering, not that that was the reason he cheered. "That's true though, and a guys prime for gymnastics is like his early twenties because of muscle development."

"Mum's the word," he said pretending to lock his lips with an invisible key.

Sam was surprised when her lips brushed against his cheeks. He couldn't help but grin. "Really?" he asked, his eyebrows raising. "You? A gorgeous cheerleader from Lalaurie think I'm cute?" he almost couldn't believe but he was having a good time flirting with her. "No way," he said gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 2nd, 2011 12:46 am (UTC) (Link)
"Maybe you should think of it like that from now on." She grinned, watching him eagerly. "Yeah, so like you can totally still do your gym thing. Can't be that right?"

Aw, his surprise was so terribly cute. She grinned right back at him. "Why are you so surprised?" She asked, grinning at him. "I totally think you are cute, why would I ever lie about such a thing?"
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 2nd, 2011 12:54 am (UTC) (Link)
He smiled brightly. "Of course, I just have to keep training, maybe we could train together some day," he suggested.

He shrugged, still smiling. "I don't know, don't take this the wrong way or anything but girls like you don't usually go after guys like me." He looked at her with a winning grin. "Not that I mind."
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 2nd, 2011 11:11 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I can totally help you train and stuff. If nothing else, I am wicked flexible." Though she'd never really gotten into that stuff. At five feet, ten inches she was too tall to be much of gymnast. She was, however, a perfect model.

"Well, and don't take this the wrong way, but guys like you never go after girls like me. And a girl always wants to be swept off her feet." She laughed, reaching up to ruffle his hair playfully.

"But if you want, I can go halfies with someone else and their muffin."
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 3rd, 2011 12:44 am (UTC) (Link)
"That would be great," he smiled. "I would love having someone to train with."

He put his hand on the back of her chair and laughed. "Nah, nah," e smirked. "I don't want you goin' off to go halvsies with anyone else! Honest!"

"Guys like me just never thought to go after girls like you, you know? Maybe I should change the tradition, huh?"
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 3rd, 2011 01:12 am (UTC) (Link)
"Than it is a deal. I'll totally whip you into shape, no time." She laughed, bumping his shoulder with her own as grinned at him.

And when he stopped her half hearted attempt to leave, she leaned into toward him a little more. "Sammy Ruiz, does that mean you want to ask me out on a date? Cos if you do, I'd like totally say yes. Just so you don't have to worry about that."
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 3rd, 2011 02:15 am (UTC) (Link)
"I bet you will," he smirked giving her shoulder a little nudge in return. "CCI cheerleaders have always been the best."

"Well maybe I do, it takes a lot of pressure off knowing the end result though," he joked. "What would you like to do on this hypothetical date?"
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 3rd, 2011 03:26 pm (UTC) (Link)
She almost corrected that Lalaurie cheerleaders were the best, but decided to let him keep some self-dignity. It was too cute to crush.

"Well," she started, tapping her lips thoughtfully with a finger, "dinner is always a must, because you need something to like...keep you awake. Then, I would totally dig something like a game, or something like that. A total surprise. Movies are second date material."
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 3rd, 2011 03:38 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I think your company would be more than enough to keep me awake," he smiled. "But you're right, dinner is always a good starting off point. I know a few places. Do you like fish?"

"A game huh?" he asked. "What kind of game? Sports, board, video..." he pondered aloud. "You're totally right though. Movie is definite hypothetical second date material."

"But before we get too far ahead of ourselves... when should I pick you up for this first date? What's a good time for you?"
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 3rd, 2011 04:52 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I love fish and salad, as a matter of fact. Very healthy for you, and all." She smiled back at him. "Don't you agree?"

She nodded, though, when he asked about the game. "Oh, board games, sports, I'm good with anything you would be up for." She laughed, lightly, happy that he agreed movies were second date material.

"Oh, well that is a good question. Hmm, lets see. I think Saturday would be good, after all Friday is the game and we'll have to help the loser feel better, wouldn't we?" She grinned at him. "But Saturday is good, about...five ish?"
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 3rd, 2011 06:51 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Agreed!" he nodded vigorously. "I love fish and salad. I'm a fisher myself, the fresher the better in my opinion," he grinned. "And you're right, it's very healthy. Nutritious and keeps you going."

"I guess I'll just have to surprise you then," he said brightly.

"Yeah, either one of us could use some consoling after that game. I gotta tell you, I'm a great cuddler," he said giving her a cheeky little grin. "Saturday is good for me too, five o'clock sounds perfect. Should I pick you up at your dorm?" he asked.
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 3rd, 2011 07:09 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Exactly!" She laughed at him, hiding her face for a moment before looking back up at him with a grin.

"I like surprises," she promised. "It makes everything much more fun." And she could really use some fun. Most of the other boys she'd ever dated had other things in mind when with her.

"Well, the gentlemanly thing would be to meet me at my dorm, now wouldn't it?" She laughed, "so why not? We would need to be all proper, you know, for this first date." She nodded sagely.
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 3rd, 2011 07:17 pm (UTC) (Link)
He had a pretty good idea for this date of theirs. He planned on catching their dinner and cooking it himself with one of his mom's recipes. He figured she had never been on a date like that before, at least he hoped she hadn't.

"I agree!" he nodded. "Nothing like a good surprise right? Better than having everything planned down to the tee," he smiled. He was sure he would come up with something pretty fantastic.

"Oh of course!" he said putting his hand on his chest. "I would never want to give a lady the wrong impression. Is there any other first date etiquette I should know before we make this official and not hypothetical?"
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 3rd, 2011 07:32 pm (UTC) (Link)
That was most certainly something she had never had the pleasure of. The nicest guys she'd dated (Keegan and Gael, really) had never done something like that. And honestly, Gray wouldn't know what to do with a fishing pole even with hand-written instructions.

"If it was all planned out, I would think you just wanted to impress me for one thing," she teased. Plucking piece of muffin off her half she popped it into her mouth and smiled at Sam. "Your hypothetical date sounds like a load of fun, you know."

But then she was back to thinking really hard, "and how do you feel about kissing on the first date?" Just so they were clear.
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 3rd, 2011 09:43 pm (UTC) (Link)
He laughed. "It does sound pretty fun doesn't it?" he said sitting back. "You know, I might be trying to impress you a bit," he grinned. "But just a bit."

"Oh! Kissing! Well, I think a chaste good night kiss is completely acceptable for a first date," he smiled.
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 4th, 2011 01:23 am (UTC) (Link)
"Well, you might be impressing me, actually. Like...just a bit though." She held up her hand, a little space between her fingers to indicate how much he was impressing her. Though her smile might have given away her, she had a terrible poker face.

"Mm, agreed then. I think we've covered the important details, then." She nodded with approval. "So, what do you think? Do you want to ask a girl like me out?"
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 4th, 2011 02:38 am (UTC) (Link)
"Ooo!" he grinned. "That's like a record for me!" he laughed.

"I think so," he leaned back a little and looked at her, feeling warm at that little smile of hers. "I think I would like to ask out a girl like you."

"Ginger McAvery, what do you say to a date. Five o'clock on Saturday perhaps?"
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 4th, 2011 03:00 am (UTC) (Link)
"Well, you should always aim for setting new records." She laughed, too, bouncing a little excitedly in her seat.

She was absolutely out of her mind, wasn't she? Sam Ruiz, after all, wasn't any local rich boy. His hair needed brushing. His clothing was an absolute train wreck, and yet... she was smitten.

"I do believe, Sam Ruiz, that I would be most delighted to go on a date with you. Five o'clock on Saturday sounds absolutely perfect."
samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 4th, 2011 06:19 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Agreed," he said brightly. "Nothing more important than raising the bar for yourself right?" he grinned.

"Excellent," he said finishing off his portion of the muffin. "I will do my best to make sure it's a most enchanting evening," he grinned.
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: April 5th, 2011 05:52 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Not at all. Supposed to be good for you and stuff." She said with a nod, laughing.

"Well, sir, I will be looking forward to this date, sir. I do hope you impress." Though, honestly, he already had.

samtheman From: [info]samtheman Date: April 6th, 2011 02:20 am (UTC) (Link)
He beamed at Ginger, man it had been a while since he felt so giddy about a date. He took her hand and pressed a little kiss to it. "Miss McAvery, Saturday is already too far away," he swooned. "Alas, I have to get back to Beauregard."
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