DC Next Generation

Together again for the first time @ 12:08 am


Ra's al Ghul's relationship with Gotham City is formed of love and hate. He hates this cesspool of corruption and decay and wishes to see it wiped from the Earth. He's tried several times, but each time, he is always thwarted by the man who embodies the things he loves about Gotham.

The Detective.

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A talk @ 12:27 am


It had taken him awhile, but Terry had found Dana with the rest of the revived dead in Star City. After that, he had made sure that his first priority was getting her out of there, and back to Gotham City. He had gotten her a room in Wayne Manor and spent the night there, not wanting to leave her. There were things that they needed to get done, like telling her parents that she was alive again.

But for now, Terry was enjoying it just being them. He had missed her.

For the first night in a long time, Terry slept like a baby. He woke up that morning (or afternoon, he wasn't really keeping track of the hours), and rolled over in the bed, smiling at Dana, who was still sleeping. He kissed the top of her head.

"I love you," he said softly.

What the hell happened? @ 12:47 am


(Takes place a week after this post)

Morgaine woke up in a strange place, not knowing where she was or how she got there.

The last thing she remembered was just running after the League's compound had exploded. She had gotten into the car that had been provided for her and Damien, hot-wired it, and just drove. She drove until the car ran out of gas, and then she ditched it and ran as far as she could.

And then she had passed out in an alley somewhere, not caring to know where she was.

And now...she was in a hotel somewhere, her wounds stitched up, her head throbbing.

Someone had to have to gotten her here, but who? Her brother was dead, and her mother probably was either dead or at the mercy of her grandfather.

She heard someone moving around in the bathroom.

"Where am I?" It hurt to sit up, but she tried.

Return of Bruce Wayne @ 02:01 am


Bruce Wayne was back and feeling better than he ever had been.  His heart condition had gone completely and he looked younger.  There was a buzz going around the tabloids about his return from a vacation and his youthful appearance, but all of that was swept aside.  He had business to attend to with his company.  Tamara had done an excellent job with keeping the company in tact and on track, and she was given her well-earned gratitude from Bruce.

His home life was another story, and one that didn't need to be explained too in depth.  All that anybody needed to know was that he was back, and things were going to get much more intense for the Bat Family.

Family Reunion (open to Atlanteans) @ 10:31 pm


Arthur walked through the ruins of Poseidonis. The jewel of Atlantis lay mostly in ruins and was now floating on the surface of the ocean. Her sister city of Tritonis was in ruins on the ocean floor. Arthur's kingdom was in ruins, but the people were alive. They would rebuild and Atlantis would flourish again. Arthur would spend the rest of his life making sure of that.

He looked around at the ruins of the city and the people moving about. Arthur already had the council on his back for a meeting, but he told them it could wait. He had to make sure his people were provided for first. A good majority of the newly resurrected citizens had been evacuated to Cerdia, but even Cerdia couldn't hold all of the citizens of Poseidonis. Personnel essential to rebuilding were here now and ready to get started.

Arthur looked over at Mera and smiled. No matter what happened they'd get through it together. His gaze wandered and fell on Ash. Arthur had heard she had assumed the throne and with Garth's help led the surviving people of Atlantis to safety in a remote area away from the two ruined cities. When word that the dead had been restored to life, Garth and Ash led the people back to Poseidonis and they had just arrived.

Mera. Garth. Dolphin. Cerdian. Ash. Just one person was missing from his family. Cait. Thoughts of his daughter added some weight to his shoulders. He had to find her and see if she had been brought back. He couldn't imagine having to go through the rest of his life without her in it.

DC Next Generation