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Jack Murdock ([info]jackmurdock) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-06-14 15:53:00

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Entry tags:iason, jack murdock, kalypso, lady devil

Jack didn't do fancy restaurants on his own. He asked Kalypso for recommendations and she suggested The Capital Grille for their first dinner. A little more fancy than he was accustomed to, but there would be time later for ordering in Chinese and watching ninja movies. They should have at least one nice dinner on the Murdock side. It would make Dad happy to know they were getting along, and he'd smooth it over with Mom later.

Kalypso would meet them at the restaurant with her cousin if he was coming. Jack took a taxi to the Avengers mansion to pick up Eliza and then to the restaurant. It promised to be a good evening for all of them.

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2009-06-16 07:10 am UTC (link)
He nodded in Eliza's direction as the menus were handed around and drink orders taken. Just as well the wine list wasn't offered. He'd be legal in a few weeks, but he couldn't stand the taste of wine enough to drink it.

"Mom will be okay. They usually manage to work most things out." Jack suspected it would be a bit of rivalry that would be the deciding factor until Mom got to know Eliza. Elektra would not allow her home to be any less welcoming than Natasha Romanov Stark's.

"What looks good to you?" he asked the whole table.

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2009-06-16 07:17 am UTC (link)
If it had been just the two of them, Kal would have answered with a "you", but since they weren't she didn't.

"I think I'm going to go with the filet."

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2009-06-16 07:19 am UTC (link)
"I'm... open to suggestions. Eating is still more hobby than habit. I've enjoyed everything I've tried, but I haven't tried a wide enough range of anything to be sure of my tastes yet, if I have any real favorites."

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2009-06-16 07:29 am UTC (link)
"Try one of the steaks, then. A well prepared steak is fantastic," Eliza offers up that idea.

Now she wants one. They really are one of her weaknesses. "Actually, the Porter House would be really good."

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2009-06-16 08:03 am UTC (link)
If it had just been the two of them, he'd have promised Kal a really good dessert when they returned to his place.

"It all looks good." Jack's eyes traveled back and forth until he decided on the sirloin.

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2009-06-16 08:06 am UTC (link)
Kalypso looked over at Jack and smiled. "It does."

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2009-06-16 02:53 pm UTC (link)
"That sounds good." he agrees, getting the filet mignon for himself.

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2009-06-19 05:52 am UTC (link)
Eliza was glad they got the easy part out of the way. Now to figure out what to talk about while they waited. Sometimes figuring out what could be talked about could be annoying.

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2009-06-19 06:24 am UTC (link)
Jack was momentarily distracted by Kal's smile. She must've read his mind and that always did it. His next thought asked for mercy through dinner, and none for later.

"Have you seen much of New York since you arrived?" he asked both Eliza and Iason.

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