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nextgen_vampire ([info]nextgen_vampire) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-10-25 21:30:00

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Entry tags:buck rogers, derek woo, griffen o'niell, jack murdock, kalypso, mac rider, plot-"attack of the vampire cows", team - avengers, toni rhodes

Attack of the Vampire Cows!
Earlier in the day the owner of the farm, Henry Collins, was working on his farm. He was clearing some land to build a new barn for his cows. His old one wasn't big enough any longer and he had decided to build a new one instead of expanding the old one. Bulldozers and other heavy equipment had been brought in to even out the land he had selected as the site. During the day one of the pieces of heavy equipment unknowingly unearthed something that had been lying in the ground. The wooden stake that had been driven into the cow was knocked out.

When darkness settled over the Collins Farm that evening, the cow that had been unearthed rose from the ground seemingly alive. Bessie, as the cow was known, was free once more and free to hunt down the being that was responsible for her condition. First she needed to feed and make an army to help her in her quest to defeat the Lord of the Vampires.

She ambled toward the old barn and the herd of cows inside.

Three days later the cows that Bessie had killed rose from the dead. Bessie now had the first recruits in her vampire cow army. They went off into the night to recruit more members to their cause.

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2011-11-14 10:07 pm UTC (link)
"Local law enforcement in cattle country is going to know what to do with contaminated cow-corpses no matter what did it. Talking to Dr. Strange might not go amiss, though, for reference about whether we need to worry about more of this."

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2011-11-14 10:08 pm UTC (link)
"Wait, so after all that and in the end we have to follow jurisdiction laws? This is empty space, middle of No and Where. Who's going to claim them?"

Confused Derek is confused. Stupid superheroics and confusing legislation regarding them.

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2011-11-14 10:39 pm UTC (link)
"This is empty space, but the herd represents a lot of lost income to a lot of ranchers. Plus there's any damage they did. Calling Dr. Strange would be a good idea, but ultimately, the bodies will likely be burned for contamination."

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2011-11-14 10:43 pm UTC (link)
"Do we risk letting mortals deal with these vampire corpses properly? Meat is a valuable commodity and they would be more apt to butchering the cows. Do we really want people eating vampiric cow meat? If the stakes are removed, they're just going to come back."

"I can incinerate them," Kal offered. "I can see to it that the ranchers are compensated." It was really handy having a mother who could transmute trash to cash.

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2011-11-14 10:44 pm UTC (link)
"Definitely not a good idea to let anyone unqualified near 'em. Some fool pulls out a stake, wondering what harm it could do, boom, vampires."

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2011-11-14 10:52 pm UTC (link)
"Good point. Kal... if you're willing to help make sure the ranchers are taken care of, I'm willing to deal with the government or whoever else questions the judgement call. Burning them seems best."

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2011-11-15 03:35 am UTC (link)
"I vote for burning them."

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2011-11-15 03:48 am UTC (link)
"I can set up a scan to make sure there are no biological contaminates in the air," Griffin offers. He is already tapping into the gauntlet's utility functions and gnawing on his lip as he works out a fairly basic, for him, equation.

"Right note to self: work on expanding the gauntlet to include a scanner instead of having to do this on the fly.... Would the Quinjet have something I could quickly convert?"

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2011-11-15 05:15 pm UTC (link)
"I'll make sure they get compensated."

Kal started blasting vampire cow corpses with blasts of cosmic energy that set them aflame. She went from one to another blasting away as she went.

Any assistance from fellow Avengers would always be appreciated.

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2011-11-15 06:43 pm UTC (link)
Buck trusts the other Avengers to handle this, and moves towards the nearest stretch of road to handle whatever law enforcement shows up and keep people away from the soon to be bonfire.

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2011-11-16 12:26 am UTC (link)
"Maybe?" Toni told Griff. "I think Uncle Tony did an update on the sensor package a couple weeks ago."

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2011-11-16 03:16 am UTC (link)
"So if there are contaminants in the air, we're already exposed?" Jack went along behind Kal, making sure the corpses were burning well and nothing was about to get up and start after them. "That's not great news."

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2011-11-19 02:44 am UTC (link)
"But their vampires. I don't think vampirism works that way."

Derek. He knows things.

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2011-11-19 03:24 am UTC (link)
"We'll be fine," Kal assured Jack as she continued to blast corpses.

When all the vampiric bovine corpses were ablaze, she landed next to Jack and leaned on him. Setting fire to all of them had taken a lot out of her. She'd need a few days of serious sunbathing and rest to recharge.

"I think it's time to go home," she said to the others.

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2011-11-20 12:18 am UTC (link)
"We got them all." Jack unobtrusively eased Kal into a more comfortable lean. "My question is who created the first vampire cow. Shouldn't that be what we need to go after?"

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2011-11-20 12:23 am UTC (link)
"I guess but we have no idea who did it," Griffin rolls his shoulders.

"Let's just go home."

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