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young_swimmer ([info]young_swimmer) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-04-24 20:58:00

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Entry tags:ash curry, cait curry, cat grant, dr fate, hawkgirl, iris west, jacob rothstein, joey mason, lee arthur, marcus todd, max sivana, mourning dove, plot - "the return of kid amazo", robert wilson, steven garrick, team - jsa, team - teen titans, tess holt, tyler darnell, will freeman

The Return of Kid Amazo
Cait decided to spend a day or two at the cottage before heading back to San Francisco. She needed a day or two to decompress after spending the past week in Atlantis. Dealing with Arthur was always stressful, this time being no different. Amnesty Bay was the perfect place to decompress and get some peace and quiet.

She walked out of the ocean and pulled the water out of her clothes and hair. She headed for the small cottage at the base of the lighthouse. She opened the door, stepped inside and never saw the blow. Pain spiked at the back of her neck and the world went dark.

"Bring her," a male voice said and a figure stepped out of the shadows. The man next to him picked up Cait's inert body and threw it over a shoulder. The two men left the small cottage.

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2013-05-09 07:55 pm UTC (link)
In a split second, things hold still. Will can feel the lightning bolt come down still, but he can't do anything to stop it. And it's coming.




He tries to move. He does. But...he can't. He tries but...he can't. The Godwave hits and he's just Will Freeman again. And he can't seem to make it change back. he can't speak. Can't hear himself as gravity starts to take him again and pull him inexorably down.

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2013-05-09 09:03 pm UTC (link)
Cat had taken a moment to watch the skies, mostly out of concern for Mark, but...


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2013-05-09 09:35 pm UTC (link)
Steven hears the yell, moving into position and starting to whirl an arm, building up a cushion of air to break Will's fall.

Hitting down will likely still hurt, but not near as bad.

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2013-05-09 09:37 pm UTC (link)
Ty focuses again. The Hawks don't use their wings, per se, to fly. That's the property of the Nth metal. But they do use them to steer.

A trident appears in his hands while Hawkgirl is going after the ring-spawned demons, condensing the moisture in the air around her to soak her wings and interfere with her rudders, before giving her a hard telekinetic shove towards Dr. Fate.

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2013-05-10 02:25 am UTC (link)
Lee was doing his best to help contain the chaos in the streets. He did not like the looks of how the fight was going for the others.

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2013-05-10 01:42 pm UTC (link)
Iris kept on trying to herd people off of the streets. Some were being stubborn. Thankfully she was stubborn.

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2013-05-10 09:49 pm UTC (link)
"Hawkgi--" He gets cut off as they collide soundly. He gets knocked out of the air before he can try and correct himself.

Catching Dr Fate off guard is the best way to deal with him.

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2013-05-10 11:12 pm UTC (link)
As Will hits the ground under Steven's cushioning, Tess runs to check on him, still trying to come up with a plan -- and finding that none of the things required for the ideas coming to mind are present here and now.

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2013-05-14 01:07 am UTC (link)
Hawkgirl slammed into Doctor Fate, sending them both hurtling towards the ground.

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2013-05-14 03:10 pm UTC (link)
Simple, cheap little trick - but he has to keep Fate occupied. And this ought to be a real pain with all those feathers...

Ty gestures, conjuring some sort of projectile that hurtles towards the pair... a giant ball of magically enhanced glue. Here Fate, have a Hawkgirl you can't get rid of.

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2013-05-15 12:45 am UTC (link)
The "whump" of Will hitting the ground is audible. Will looks to be in pain, but he pulls himself up to call down the lightning again.




Will doesn't know what's happening, but he knows that he may well be out of the fight now.

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2013-05-15 12:53 am UTC (link)
"Tess we need to change tactics here," Lee says over the comms heading over towards Fate and Hawkgirl, "The direct approach is not working like this."

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2013-05-15 12:58 am UTC (link)
"I realize that, Lee!" Tess says, fighting off the panic that is trying to get into her head from without -- and not entirely unjustified from within, as everyone capable of reaching Ty is incapacitated. "We're going to have to fall back."

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2013-05-15 10:41 pm UTC (link)
Cat rushed towards where Fate and Hawkgirl had fallen.

"We oughta be doin' better than this," she muttered. "That mojo of his is makin' this harder than it should be..."

"...Sometimes, I really hate not havin' super-powers."

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2013-05-16 12:26 am UTC (link)
The current confusion and concern is added to by a trio of violet fireballs being lobbed at various points in the city - despite the coloration, they seem to ignite buildings just fine, with another headed towards the JSA's ground forces.

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2013-05-16 12:37 am UTC (link)
Seeing the fireball coming Lee stopped reached out with his power to direct it toward him so that he could absorb it.

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2013-05-16 12:55 am UTC (link)
Hawkgirl growled.

"It's official. I fucking hate this guy. We're basically getting punked here."

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2013-05-16 06:06 am UTC (link)
"Indeed. I do not believe we can win this fight," Fate mutters as he tries to extract himself from Hawkgirl.
Spoiler alert: this is getting ridiculous.

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2013-05-16 11:52 am UTC (link)
Yeah, it doesn't even take the continued mind-whammy to make Tess want to commit seppuku over this.

"Fate: Teleport Spell, ASAP. Out of town. Flash, if he needs a minute, make it into a second."

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2013-05-16 03:49 pm UTC (link)
"Flash, something for the glue so he can cast without a... uhm, without feathers in the way." Steven calls his 'cousin' in for help, then sets to spinning a circle around the proceeding, faster and faster. He can lend speed or steal it from one person readily enough - a whole group is harder, but he's working on it.

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2013-05-16 10:52 pm UTC (link)
"Hate havin' to run...," Cat said. "But this ain't somethin' I can punch."

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2013-05-19 11:03 pm UTC (link)
Iris zoomed in and fell into step with Steven matching his speed.

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2013-05-19 11:06 pm UTC (link)
"Indeed! I lack the ability to get us out of here with Hawkgirl keeping me stuck." It was all about the feathers and the nth metal.

They need to get out of here soon. In the mean time though he mentally prepares the spell. But, with Iris suddenly there he can actually start to work the spell!

He should be used to the speed of the Flash family.

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2013-05-20 12:36 am UTC (link)
Tess lends a hand where she can trying to Layla extricated while hoping the Flashes' contributions will be enough to get them out. In the current state of things, she can think of no reason they shouldn't be at least maimed at any moment, and that isn't just because it's so hard to think.

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2013-05-21 07:55 pm UTC (link)
Jacob felt terrible. On one hand, this guy terrified him and he wanted no part in fighting him. The guy's power and seeming unstoppability reminded him far too much of Mordru. On the other hand, he felt guilty for not doing more to help the others. For a time he just stood there, frozen.

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(no subject) - [info]cat_fancy, 2013-05-21 10:03 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]madeofgoesfast, 2013-05-22 05:34 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantcatchme, 2013-05-22 06:09 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]handofnabu, 2013-05-24 04:00 am UTC

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