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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-11-19 22:19:00

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Entry tags:alex quill, azura/abel, david roberts, fred mccoy, iason, lady devil, misha loganovich, plot-"heir to the throne", rachel summers, rocket red panda, starbridge, team - guardians of the galaxy, team - x-men, tsunami

Big Damn Heroes
Abel dropped them out of a space warp as close to Earth as possible. The ship shook as it entered the upper atmosphere and the hull started to heat up and started to glow red. Azura helped Alex pilot the ship through the turbulence. She hoped the rust bucket held together.

Once they were past the initial barrier and slowed down a bit, they set a course straight for Xavier's. They ignored hails from local enforcement agencies and continued on their way. Their passenger, the Shi'ar, had been antsy during the whole trip and seemed a little relieved once they arrived. It didn't last long and he fretted until they arrived over Xavier's.

Their timing was perfect. They arrived just in time to see the Imperial Guard standing off with the X-Men and Prince Starbridge. Azura shoved their Shi'ar guest into her seat and ordered him to take over. She grabbed her gun and Godslayer and raced for the hatch.

Alex gave the flying of the ship to their guest and raced after Azura. Once they were low enough the Guardians of the Galaxy exited the ship to help Prince Starbridge and the X-Men.

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2011-11-20 02:17 am UTC (link)
Red pulled out a heavy particle rifle.

"Please to be reaching for the sky, Guards-people! Am not wanting to... okay, am actually wanting to shoot you, but am being asked not to unless absolutely having to!"

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2011-11-20 02:21 am UTC (link)
"Like Quill said, we're here to help," Eliza says while keeping her hands off her weapons. Batons and guns are strapped to her hips. She's given up on trying to use just her billy clubs.

Seeing Misha she gives him a nod to greet him but little else. They don't have time now.

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2011-11-20 02:30 am UTC (link)
"We have a Shi'ar guest who has brought word that there has been a coup in the Shi'ar empire. Empress Lilandra no longer sits on the throne and the Guard is here to collect you, Prince Starbridge." Azura had a smile on her face. There was going to be a fight and it was going to be fun.

"Now, go home or be prepared to get your asses kicked," Azura told the Guard. She hefted Godslayer and rested it on a shoulder.

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2011-11-20 04:54 am UTC (link)
Starbridge scowled. He'd begun to suspect as much from Gladiator's careful phrasing. The man never was as concerned as to /who/ was on the throne.

"They won't cause trouble with the rest of the school if I'm gone," he tells the X-Men.

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2011-11-20 05:14 am UTC (link)
"You're not going without me."

It wasn't a question.

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2011-11-20 06:27 am UTC (link)
Iason moves above the battlefield, radiating energy, well aware a number of the guard are sensitive to such things, and might come at him or be paying attention to him if fighting picks back up. He addresses the guard in the Shi'ar Imperial tongue, aware their translators would pick it up regardless, but wanting to make as solid an impression as possible.

"Please desist from hostilities. Surely this can be resolved diplomatically."

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2011-11-20 03:14 pm UTC (link)
"You're not going anywhere without /us/," Cait said not too gently. "You're family and you're stuck with us."

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2011-11-20 10:12 pm UTC (link)
"This is imperial Shi'ar business," Gladiator told the Guardians. "Return to from where you came."

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2011-11-20 10:14 pm UTC (link)
"What Cait said," David agrees not wanting his friend getting into danger.

Funny that even after everything David still can't help but look at Starbridge and see a friend. David wonders if it's a part of growing up but doesn't give it another thought.

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2011-11-21 09:51 pm UTC (link)
"Imperial Guard, we are taking Prince Starbridge with us. Stop anyone who tries to stop us," Gladiator said and moved toward Starbridge.

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2011-11-21 10:27 pm UTC (link)
The TK field emerging from Rachel's arm was like a fiery wing, giving Gladiator a firm shove.

"Last chance to back off."

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2011-11-22 12:49 am UTC (link)
"Why a last chance?" Misha said. "They don't sound reasonable to me."

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2011-11-22 04:07 am UTC (link)
//Guardians and X-Men, shut your eyes!// A mental command ripples through the minds of the 'friendlies' in the equation.

"Your Highness, come with us now!" Alex grabs a stun grenade off his belt and hurls it forward, using TK to pull the pin in mid-arc, and the resulting high-intensity flash-bang goes off right above the Imperial Guard.

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2011-11-23 12:32 am UTC (link)
Azura closed her eyes and rushed forward firing her energy pistol.

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2011-11-23 12:40 am UTC (link)
"Be eating plasma, Bird-Brains!" Red shouted, as he fired, eyes closed, relying on smell to guide him. "Er, no offense being meant, your Highness!"

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2011-11-23 12:47 am UTC (link)
"Seriously? This is stupid," Eliza shuts her eyes she knows how to fight in the dark.

"We're here to help the Prince. X-Men can come along for the ride 'cause it looks like we'll be fighting everyone to make this right. Fun family reunion, seriously."

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2011-11-24 07:48 am UTC (link)
Starbridge tries to pick the best path that'll get him further away from gladiator and closer to the ships.

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2011-11-25 12:35 pm UTC (link)
Misha had no idea how it would affect his armor, but he had to trust in Anya's upgrades. "I'm going to tear that guy's head off his shoulders," he said aloud as the visual in his helmet closed down. "Who needs an enemy with him around to hamstring the good guys?"

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