Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

July 1st, 2011

Happy Birthday Mac! @ 12:16 am


Kal had been around the Avengers long enough to learn certain things about them, including their birthdays. Today's was Mac's. Kal didn't know what to get him, she was horrible about shopping and gifts, so she went with the tried and true gift, a gift card. This one was for a 100 to Amazon. There was also a promise to show him Titan and the Eternals' community there.

June 29th, 2011

Shooting Hoops (bendytimed, Xavier's) @ 02:09 pm


It was going to be one of Mac's favorite occasions: a non-pointless game of basketball.

"Thanks for having me over, man," he told Adrian. "I can never resist a pickup game with a mutant Russian."

June 22nd, 2011

Happy Birthday Sylvie! @ 07:05 pm


Sylvie was the sister Cait never had. The two had known each other since they were in diapers and Cait wasn't about to let Sylvie's birthday pass without some fanfare. Cait had the gifts ready well in advance and had put her sewing skills to work to make Sylvie a new blouse and a matching long skirt. She had also got Corey's help in creating a necklace of polished colored stones.

Cait of course made a batch of Sylvie's favorite cookies along with cupcakes. She made sure the one for Sylvie had a candle on it and gave the rest out to the other X-ers.

June 17th, 2011

Just Visiting (open) @ 02:03 am


Adrian had called up Corey earlier that week and the idea of him stopping by to visit was brought up. Adrian thought it would have been a logistics nightmare given how far it would be to get there until Corey had mentioned that a teammate of his could easily just pick him up while she was out shopping for the team.

Adrian had packed a duffel bag with enough stuff so that he could stay the weekend. He was a little surprise with how easy it had been for Irina to just come by and pick him up and take him to the Champions headquarters where he now found himself in the kitchen.

June 11th, 2011

Happy Birthday Rachel @ 12:38 pm


Cait had made two dozen of Rachel's favorite cookies and had put them in a small basket. She also made Rachel a new emerald green dress that would go well with her hair and eyes. The last thing Cait got one of her oldest and closest friends was a $25 gift card to iTunes. She put the items and a card in Rachel's room.

May 8th, 2011

May 5th, 2011

Watching TV (Open to X-men) @ 01:52 am


Adrian had managed to grab the TV in the rec room in the afternoon after he finished up his homework for the day. Just one more year of high school left after this one which was awesome then he could start up college not that he knew what he wanted to do yet.

He had brought down one of his Futurama movies to watch. That show was awesome and he couldn’t wait for the new episodes to start airing this summer. Any scene with Doctor Zoidberg in it was always an absolute riot.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay