Oh Busy Life!!
This is going to be a pretty quick and maybe short post, who knows. Brian is coming over in a couple minutes so we can have some BBQ time! Hehe. I dunno if it'll be the last one of the season but surely one of. I love BBQs! :) Such yummy food hehe. I think tonight we're doing some steak and chicken and corn on the cob. I'd love to get some ribs too though.

What else, ever since I quit my job, or I dunno if you'd say that but the business was over, I've been riding like as much as I can. I spent like 12-14 hours out there with the horses, it's so much fun. I go on trail rides that last for hours on end, I just get lost out in the woods, and just enjoy the beautiful state that I live in. I really love living here. Sometimes I even bring Kiara along which she loves!

We created a new social networking site called RocketShipz (http://rocketshipz.com) and it's a bit different then these LJ based websites. Check it out, I'd love to see a couple more people on there and if you don't sign up, pass it along to your friends. :)

I really want to get more into PHP coding, maybe...I really want to work on Confessh.us and get more features and things built-in. Plus PHP is a really neat language. I also need to finish my CCNA studies up. I'm like 4-5 chapters from completing the book and I really need to do it now before I forget everything I've learned. I think tomorrow, I will actually pick it up again and get it done :) Chris will be happy/proud of me :)

I've started playing Wolfenstein since I got my Xbox 360 hacked up to the latest firmware. It's awesome :) vaporizing people is excellent.

Anyways, gotta run now. have a lovely day peepz xoxoxox

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I'm Not Dead! x.X!
 I've been so busy as of late. I've been at horse shows, and then Brian and I finally took our vacation to Montreal. it was so much fun, although I wish it hadn't taken us so long to do it haha. Then when I got back I arranged to have my Internet which resulted in my stuff being offline for 3-4 days...haha I had to get my new Palm Pre tethered up so I could do some work lol.

Hrmm, what else. our movie rental application is pretty much done. Our completion date is the 22nd, which also happens to be MY BIRTHDAY! :D Hehe

I got a bunch of new music today and I got season 3 of The IT Crowd. I'm watching the first episode right now, and it's so funny. I love this TV series haha. As for new music, I think there's like 5-6 new bands that I got that I really enjoy! The new caliban album is really awesome, but the new Thrice album is pretty crap...at least compared to their other ones.

Anyways, I am going to continue watching these episodes. I can't get enough of it!! :)

11 comment
Last night, I spent hours upon hours playing Call of Duty 4 with Chris. I looped into Prestige Level 4 and I'm already 15 levels into that hehehe. I love that game so much. Chris said I need to prove my leetness by not using the M4 Carbine the entire prestige level. Can I do it?! Maybe hahaha....I'll probably stick with the G36 then and the AK-47.

Today, I woke up, did horse chores, took Kiara for a walk and then started working on a new site scheme for DeathNote.me. It's pretty much done. The only things left for that site scheme and the one on SceneJournal will just be CSS tweaks. And those will come when we've got time.

The movie rental application is pretty much done too, all that's left is pretty much bug fixes when bugs are found and other small tweaks! I am so happy cause this pretty much wraps up all my computer related activities. I'll finish up my CCNA studying and all, but that'll be it for me for the most of it. I'll continue blogging here and on WithinMorgan.com but no more going into things anymore. I'm going to be pretty much a user from now on...at least for a good while. :) I just need some time to USE all the stuff I've been creating and administering :)

I don't have much planned for this afternoon. I do need to clean my AR-15 up, although I might go shooting first and then clean her up. Yesterday I went shooting a bit, that was a lot of fun! :) Brian is probably going to come over this evening, maybe I can convince him to spend the night hehe.

Let's see, what else is going on, not much :/ Haha. I believe I've got a horse show next week and then again the week after. So that will be fun! Well, I guess I can stop blabbering for now, until next time!! <3 xooxx

Hello SceneJournal
 Wow, it's been a good like 5 years since I've made a post on SceneJournal. Of course that was ages ago, and we ran on LiveJournal Core Code. The new SceneJournal runs on this wonderful code provided by not only LiveJournal but Dreamwidth!

I've decided that I'll start using this site as my main, and it'll cross-post to my other journals. Hopefully...

I suppose I should get to bed, or at least in bed, since it is 1am now.

So last night, I attempted to cross-post from DeathNote, but that didn't work out so well. I guess there's an issue in the XMLRPM code, so I'll post that DW or something today.

Anyways, I've been super busy. One of my classes started, it's pretty cool so far. I have a quiz today, I'm semi-nervous. It's been so long since I've done any classes haha. But I know I am going to kickass!

Not much else to say...oh I think we're going to put up 10 permanent accounts for about $100 in the next few days. Hopefully they sell cause we really need to purchase the 1TB drives for the new database server haha.

Have a wonderful day kids! 

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100 Death Note Invites
 I have in my hands 100 invites to a new journaling community, Death Note. If you want one, leave your email address and I'll send ya one!!

Also note, this is a special community so some work is involved in getting it to work on your computer/device...so there's your fair warning! :)

Death Note - Private Journaling Community
OooOoooO la la!!

Horse Show Amazing, New Journaling Site?
The horse show last week was amazing. I know I didn't write anything or tweet very much, but that's what happens when you've got a lot of things to do haha. I definitely had an awesome time. There were a couple photographers theres, so I'll see if I can find some pics of me and I'll post them up.

So a little drama happened. My ex-boyfriend, Brian, who I kind of still like came down and surprised me. He brought flowers and horsey stuff and was there each morning and all day when I was riding, and when I wasn't we hung out. So the issue is he wants to get back together with me and I want to also, but I'm so afraid he's going to pull another I'm busy with school and exams and breakup with me again. On Friday night we had a good long talk, basically he broke up with me because he thought he wasn't giving me the amount of time and attention he thought I deserved and thought I deserved to be with someone a lot better then him. That was because he was all stressed out over his finals and exams and such...I dunno, if it was me that made him think that or something. I don't know, but I was really happy with him and I totally understood he had a lot going on, so I was trying to be as not needy and clingy as possible. I dunno, I think we both had some bad communication on both our parts. So he ended up spending the nights in my room, but I made him sleep on the floor, I didn't think we were at the sleeping in the same bed yet...if that even ever happens...I really don't know what to do...I like him a lot, I just don't like how he broke it off, without even talking to me first you know...I don't know what will happen to us...we'll see...

So I got home this morning around 10 or so...kind of just hung out for a bit. Talked with [info]raf  and [info]ltdan  and then I took a nap. I had a dream that I was Baird from GoW and that I had a chainsaw dual with someone who was "playing" Marcus. Weird I know...then I had a dream about me fingering myself?! Dunno where that came from, but it happened haha.

Just chatting with Chris now. I think my parents are coming over, and we're doing some BBQing in a little bit. Yum!!

One of my summer classes starts tomorrow. I'm really excited...even though it is online. I tried logging in today, but the class still isn't showing up. Hopefully it does by tomorrow. Haha. Japanese class starts in July. I'm really psyched for that one.

So, [info]jimmy  found out that Dreamwidth is OS. So we're looking to set that up. Maybe start a new invite-only, special, elitist journaling site with that. It'll be pretty private if we do get it running...we're installing a couple servers too run it on at the moment, only testing. If we like it we'll go live with it. We're also actively working on fixing the polls in the RTE and getting rename tokens working!

I hope everyone had a wonderful past week and a lovely weekend...and have a wonderful upcoming week!!


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Confessh.us Open!!
Hey everyone!! Just wanted to make a quick update to let you all know that my new website is open and ready for a little beta testing!


Check it out!

I'm not going to get wasted and do some drunk driving with a friend. Don't worry it's only on Xbox hehe, but it's fun...have a lovely weekend kids! 

44 comment
Sing the Sorrow
Wow, yesterday I finally finished up most of the Confessh.us coding. What a project that was. I'm very excited to show everyone. There's still one feature we've not added in yet, so I think I'll hold off until it's finished. It's tagging, and it's one of the hardest things to implement, that I can think of. We're very close, I think I would like to shoot for launching next week if possible!

This week is supposed to be really crappy weather-wise so I guess it'll be mostly a movie and fine tuning the code on the site week. I'm okay with that, I guess. I did really want to be out riding and having fun, but there'll be plenty of time for that in the coming days and weeks. I really hope I can get into an OP for airsoft soon, I am so sad that I missed the OP the other weekend, I am sure it was amazing!! Also show season starts soon, I've gotta pretty up the ponies, and get myself ready.

Hrmm, so I've also been working a bit with [info]jimmy  on  making some new styles for Scribbld, you can see what we've done by going into Manage --> Viewing Options. Had a bit of trouble with the CSS sizing and margin crap but it should be fixed now :) If anyone wants, you're more then welcome to submit your own color scheme! The colors we would like are:
  •  background color
  • header color
  • navigation tab color
  • content background color
  • link color
and I think that's it. Also I might be giving away some free PAID accounts, in trade for some J-Rock/Pop music. First I've got to put together a list of albums I already have. So yeaaaah! :)

Just chillen at work today, nothing special happening. Just chatting with a couple friends, I can't wait to go home and just relax :)

Code Code Code!!!
Been really busy the last couple of days working on Confessh.us and it's definitely been a lot of fun, but of course frustrating. Mostly frustrating because I don't really know enough PHP to build an actual functioning ANYTHING with it. But the odd thing is we're really getting a lot done regardless of me not "knowing" PHP. We've actually really only got like 3 large pieces of the website to go, the user page, tagging and something else, but now I've forgotten haha. I am hoping to have a usable site done within the next week or so. Then I'll open it to beta testing! I'm very excited!

So that's pretty much what I spent yesterday doing. I worked on it from when I woke up until about 12-1pm. Then I got mad because I was having so many issues with sessions and stuff, that I was so close to just scrapping the project. [info]ltdan  got mad at me and I think I went off to work on some other web code, Laconica, which is quite cool. But then I was like, I can't let him down, or myself, so I started working on the code again. And we worked until like 12am and got SO much done, to the point where we're only needing like 3 pieces left. He's working on tagging. It's definitely the hardest if not the hardest piece of the whole site haha. I am hoping that he's learning from it too. I've definitely learned a lot during this project. I really like it.

Today, not much is going on, chatted with [info]ltdan this morning. Had some breakfast and then just watched some TV and took a nap. I think I am going to head outside though, I might take a nice walk with the dog, or go play with the horses. I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend! Enjoy the last few hours!

Yay for Coding!
 These past couple days, I've been really busy working on that new web project, and I'm finally ready to share a bit about it. basically it's a confessions website where people can go and submit confessions (they can be done anonymously, but you must make an account to submit them). Then people can "like" or even comment on them. You can check it out here:


You can see some of the mockups I've been working on by looking at this Flickr set. So pretty much we've got down the idea of what is it and how we want it to work. Now we've just got t get started on coding it up...which is going to be rather interesting since I don't know a whole lot about PHP and MySQL. It'll definitely be a BIG learning project haha.

Right now, there's not much to do other then sign up to get notified when we need beta testing :) But definitely sign up!

Other then that, I've been really busy with the boyfriend and stuff. Had a really nice weekend helping [info]ltdan get OS X installed on his Dell Mini. We probably spent like 24+ hours total trying to get his working. Mine worked in about 45 minutes haha And 95% of that time was waiting for it to install itself haha. I actually wrote about it and took some pictures on WithinMorgan.com so check it out! :)

Yesterday, I finished up some repairs I had and also finished up the 2 scripts needed for Confessh.us. Got home, worked on getting of my written labs or chapter 3 CCNA done. Then I completely finished the last script for Confessh,us and then [info]ltdan and I did our study/review session. I got so angry at one question, but then I figured it out after like 30 minutes of hell. Haha. After that, I worked on Confessh.us some more, and chatted with a couple friends.

I got my 2GB RAM chip in this morning for my Dell Mini netbook, so after I finish this entry I'll install it and the netbook will be much happier :) So that's about all that's going on with me, sorry about not checking/commenting on friends stuff, I've been ridiculously busy! I hope everyone is well!!


New Web Project!
 Been super busy as usual. Haha, what's new...I've started working on a new web project which will pretty much be built form the ground up. This requires me learning some PHP and MySQL, actually probably a fair amount since it'll be dealing with pulling and inserting lots of data. But I am hoping it shouldn't be too complicated. I have a feeling when we're done a bunch of you might actually like using this new website. I can't get into too much right now, but as we get something more solid working, I'll definitely toss out some beta invites. So that's pretty much what I've been upto for that past 3 days. It's funny because I came up with the idea in a dream when Iw as riding the bus home from work. It's kind of crazy the thing sI can dream up LOL. So once I got home, I told [info]ltdan immediately and we started working on it. Right now, most of the site page mockups are done, and I'm starting to work on psuedo code for them.

Yesterday I got my Dell Mini which made me very excited. I have been waiting like 3 weeks or so for it. It's really cute. I am definitely not liking the keyboard as much as my HP Mini though. THe HP is far better, but the Dell works with OS X a lot better (audio works for one). [info]ltdan and I started working on getting OS X installed on them last night around 10pm or so. We were going to start earlier but Brian stopped by and I couldn't turn him away haha. So I hung with Brian for a couple hours, then he had to head out and so then I contacted the Lt.

Mine pretty much finished up with no issues. I did have WiFi on first, second or even third boot but after installing the DellEFI tools it all worked fine including audio which made me extremely happy. So while I was getting my Mini setup in OS X I started helping him, burning CDs/DVDs getting the tools and such. We ended up staying up until about 4am working on it, cause he didn't have an external DVD drive, so we had to go the route of the bootable USB drive which pretty much didn't work for many various reasons. So when I got into bed, I pretty much fell asleep instantly.

I also talked to [info]raf  last night. I guess it went well, I can't really tell anymore. Some days are good, some days are eeh. But yeah, I love him lots and I suppose that's all that really matters. Not sure if I want to or can say much more about it in this public entry haha

Woke up this morning around 10am. Took a shower and started working some more on the web project. Finished the mockups this morning and started my psuedo code. [info]ltdan and I are now working on getting OS X on his Mini again now. I'm just trying to help as much as I can, I think we might actually get it today. I definitely understand how frustrating it can be to not get something work, that should be really easy to do. Even last night I was getting frustrated since my WiFi and audio weren't working the way I thought they would.

Not much else is going on today, I might go for a run or something, cause it's really nice (although chilly) out. I'm converting some TV episodes and movies right now too, so I'll probably watch those this afternoon and evening. Just relaxing and chillen' out today. I might get some CCNA work done, but that will definitely be later tonight, I do not have the brain energy to work on something like that (especially with the chapter we're on right now, VLSMs & Subnetting) right now :P

Have a lovely weekend everyone xoxox

11 comment
The Stars In Your Eyes Light Up The Sky
Wow, am I happy that it's the weekend. Yesterday, I didn't really do much, I think I left my room maybe a total of 5 times haha. I just sat around, played with web stuff, TeHGeekGirl.com, Photoshop, chatted with friends and watched TV shows and movies. I started watching the second season of Hani Yori Dango. I get so addicted to that stuff that I can't just watch one episode at a time haha. I am on like episode 5 now. It's so good haha. I just wish that Makino would tell Tsukasa how she really felt cause he just came out and told her how she feels. Every time they see each other though she just yells at him and stuff. I really think they should just be together as much as I love Rui, I dunno haha, its hard.

Anyways, I also finally got my hands on this erotic film that I've been trying to get ever since Violet Blue mentioned it on her (now defunct) podcast a couple years ago. I dunno why I didn't get it sooner, I guess I searched for it but came up empty handed so I just forgot about it. It's actually not as great as I thought it was. It's kind of like a little interview and then they have sex, for what reason I don't know haha. I guess it turned me on a little bit, but it was unusual.

So after that, I think I watched a couple more episodes of Hana Yori Dango. It's funny cause I am actually starting to understand some of the words and phrases. I love it. I love Japanese. I'm working on my writing right now. I love writing Japanese, it's so much fun! I've really just got to get it all down, at least hiragana. I'm up to ma, mi, mu, me, mo. So that's...like...30 characters or so. I also need to just work on basic dialog.

I've also been busy with my CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate), every time I type in Cisco, I type in Circa, as in Circa Survive haha. Bad habit. But this past week [info]ltdan  and I had our first study/review session and I think I did pretty well. I love how I can actually understand most of this Cisco stuff, it amazes me. But I guess when you love something you will actually put in the time to learn it and hopefully become relatively proficient in it. Unfortunately there was a bit of a "fiasco" on Thursday where [info]ltdan  didn't show up at all during the day, so I freaked out and every was like oh his phone is probably dead and he's busy but I was like noooooo, maybe something happened to him, so basically I was a wreck the entire day...of course, guess what it was...he was busy and his phone was out of battery. So yeah, I felt like a complete moron to say the least! So yeah, we didn't have our study/review night...cause I hadn't done my labs...and get this, he did have them done, so that made it even worse haha. I did finish my labs that were due on that night though.

So yeah that's what I've been up to. Last night [info]ltdan and I played Horde Mode in Gears of War 2. I wrote a little blurb about it on www.WithinMorgan.com so you can check that out if you're bored or something. After that I watched a bit of Hana Yori Dango and then passed out.

Woke up this morning, a bit later then usual. Had a bit of chat with Chris and then we went our ways for the day. I headed out to the barn, Brian showed up with some warm tea which was so nice of him. He's really the greatest boyfriend hehe. Then he helped me with a few chores and then he had to go do some homework and stuff. He can never do it at my house cause we always end up fooling around LOL So he gets nothing done. I think he'll be coming over tonight though for some dinner and then back up to Burlington for him. He's so cuuute. Hehehe.

Tonight, nothing much going on. Chris and I might work some more on the hard drive I killed, which had SOME VERY IMPORTANT files on it. I did this on Friday night I believe. Most importantly it had mine, [info]emilie 's and [info]raf 's Warcraft characters on it. I mean I've got a backup from like November or so, but it's too old. I am really hoping Chris and I can recover it, or I am going to cry. I might play some Xbox later on, I'm starting to get a bit hungry, so I'm going to head off, make some tea and a snack and then work on a bit more Japanese, and chat with [info]raf obviously <3

11 comment
Yesterday was pretty fun. I watched Role Model which was hilarious, then I chatted with a few online friends. Then I started reading a new book by Robin Cook (whom I do enjoy). It's called Crisis. I made it about halfway through the prologue before falling asleep. I've got to stop reading while in bed, worst ever. Haha But it's definitely going to be a good book I think.

Woke up around 7pm and chatted with friends, before I knew it, it was 9pm and I got on LIVE with [info]raf , [info]ltdan  and Jenny. We played Aegis Wing and FINALLY beat it on Insane. I am so proud of us. I love these people <3 hehe

[info]realhorrorshow I think you sent me a message on Skype. Sorry I didn't respond haha I was in the middle of gaming :\ Sounds like things getting better for you though, so YAY! :)

After we beat Aegis Wing, we played some Dead Tank or Death Tank, I can't remember. Fun little arcade game. The only thing I won, was the most money cause I didn't spend it on anything. I did win a couple rounds, but as usual the boys owned all. After that, [info]ltdan and I got the Resident Evil 5 demo. It took us a couple minutes to figure out how to set it a private game LOL. Pretty sad for 2 people as smart as us lol. So we finally figured it out, but we only played the Shanty Town level a few times before calling it a night. Either he got chain sawed or I got chain sawed. So this morning I looked up how to beat the stupid boss. So hopefully we give it another go soon. I'm very excited for the final game :D

I slept until like 10:30 this morning, chatted with friends. Then I spent pretty much the entire afternoon outside with the horses and the dog. She loves the snow!! Now, I'm just chatting with [info]raf and I think I might continue on in Chapter 1 of this CCNA book. It's great stuff! :)

Oh I really want to get the MSI Wind netbook. I might order one later this week...either that or the Dell Mini 9.

About Me
My name is Morgan Westfield. I am 22 years old and I'm currently taken by a wonderful boy named Brian! I love equestrian activities, airsoft milsim, video games, hardcore music, technology, good friends, my puppy dog, Apple, and Japanese food. I'm one of the site administrators on Scribbld but I hide mainly behind the servers. I sometimes enjoy meeting new people although I tend to stick with the ones I've got. Don't be shy though, please introduce yourself!
Back August 2020
Favorite Bands
This Romantic Tragedy, The Classic Crime, Underoath, Armor for Sleep, Thursday, Saosin, Secret and Whisper, Darkest Hour, Alexisonfire, Architects, Hopesfall, Taking Back Sunday, AFI, Dillinger Escape Plan, Matchbook Romance, Brand New, Attack Attack!, Blaqk Audio, Rise Against, Norma Jean, Kid Dynamite, Scarlet, Vanna, Name Taken, Boys Night Out, Senses Fail, Dance Gavin Dance, Sky Eats Airplane, Beauti, Circa Survive, Number One Gun, Misery Signals, Black Dhalia Murder.
Azumanga Diaoh, Boys Be..., Bokura Ga Ita, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, FLCL, .hack//sign, Chobits, Vexille, Appleseed, Colorful, Death Note.
Video Games
Final Fantasy III/VII/IX/X, Call of Duty 4, LittleBigPlanet, Gears of War 1/2, Devil May Cry 1/3, Xenosaga, World of Warcraft, Battlefield 2, Half Life 2, Guitar Hero 2, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Cooking Mamma, Mario Kart, Star Fox 64, Resident Evil 1/2, Pokemon Red, Spore Creature Creator, Jump n' Bump, GoldenEye 007.