Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Leon Shaw and OPEN
Setting: Quodpot fields, back corner.
Content: NSFW for Underage drinking, drug use, cursing.
Summary: Leon is drowning his boredom (or sorrows) in a bottle of tequlia after having popped a few pills. He's not really looking for company, but then again...he never is.

If self-loathing had a tangible form, it was Tequila and Valium; both of which he had in abundant supply at the moment. Or at least enough to get him by for the day. And while the Valium had been easy enough to come by, with the help of certain 'friends'. The Tequila had taken a bit of a work and a homeless man willing enough to get it the bottle for him. Luckily, homeless people were a dime a dozen in downtown New Orleans, and with the promise of food or beer? You could convince just about any of them to do you a favor.

But once he'd gotten back to campus and ready for a relaxing date with his personal demons, his dorm felt too....closed in. The walls loomed about him with sightless, judging eyes from every poster that hung upon them, and the silence was maddening. Not even his playlist, though, could ease the tension he felt. Maybe it was because here, at any moment, Adelaide could be at his door. She'd demand to know what was up with him, why had he been avoiding her, and so on. It was as if he was testing fate by simply sitting in his room...

And so he left.

The Quodpot field wasn't exactly his first choice of hiding spots, but it was out of the way of Professors and students. At least, generally. From time to time there might be a stray in search of practice, but the corner was mostly out of sight, and he was most silent. What would be the chances of anyone noticing? None, right?

Made it a great time for a bit of a nap, then.

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From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: March 20th, 2011 09:11 pm (UTC) (Link)
Avery crossed campus, heading back to his dorm after his visit to the Rue Ge Rouge. He walked quickly and avoided his peers, as if they'd somehow guess where he'd been and what he'd bought there.

It was just a book on dark wizards, that was all. No illegal spells or hexes, just a guide to the worst of the wizarding world. All sorts of people bought these books, it didn't mean anything.

Of course, most people's family members weren't actually mentioned in such books...but nobody at CCI knew about that, did they? None of the student body, anyway.

Avery huffed and pressed a protective hand to the side of his bag. His thoughts were focused on his new read and where he could hide it.

At least they were until he noticed Leon Shaw.

He stopped and tilted his head to the side, watching as the boy wandered off in the direction of the quodpot field.

Leon didn't play quodpot, and there weren't any practices on today. Just what was he up to?

After deliberating over his options for a moment or two, Avery decided to ditch his reading session and follow after the other boy. The confrontation in the library had been fun, but not exactly bridge-building, and Leon had barely said a word during their detention together. If he was ever going to seduce this boy, Avery was going to have to kick it up a notch.

He kept his distance from Leon, occasionally losing sight of him a little so that it didn't look too obvious. Of course, once Leon reached his destination then there wasn't really any more hanging back he could do.

Although it wasn't as though Leon would notice anyway, as it turned out. He'd been expecting to find him smoking or doing that thousand yard stare he was ever so fond of, not napping.

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he gazed down at the sleeping form of Leon Shaw. He looked small and peaceful, nothing like the belligerent arsehole he was when awake.

Avery reached down to touch him, then pulled back. It was a scenario begging to be manipulated, but...he just couldn't. If he was going to lead Leon astray from that harpy man-witch he insisted on playing straight with, he was going to do it properly.

That would hurt her all the more.

"Well, isn't this a coincidence?" Avery said, slinging his bag down beside Leon. "I come here for a little time on my own only to discover that someone else has beaten me to it. They do say that great minds think alike, don't they?"
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: March 20th, 2011 10:08 pm (UTC) (Link)
He was slow to realize that the voice talking to him wasn't in his dreams. But then it wasn't really clear as to why Avery was standing over him at the moment either. Was it something he'd done?

Frowning, Leon blinked at Avery with a bit of a lost expression. Why was the other boy there? Was there something going on, on the field? What?

"What do you want?" He asked, staring up at Avery as if he were squinting in a haze. "I'm trying to sleep."
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: March 21st, 2011 06:11 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I can see that you're trying to sleep," he said, nudging the boy with his foot, "but this is hardly a good place to be napping. You must have a bed in your dorm...or do you sleep on the floor to show how manly and heterosexual you are?"

Avery sat himself down and began fishing around in his bag for his cigarettes. He took one of out the case and snapped it shut, letting it fall to the bottom of his bag as he lit his cigarette.

"Some of his have legitimate reasons for being out here. We're not sleeping off our hangover like a hippie."
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: March 21st, 2011 06:59 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Didn't want to be in my room," he stated in a matter-of-fact tone, "thought this was as good a place as any." Which it clearly was not. Pushing himself up on one arm, he glanced about the field, as if to make sure they were really alone. Then, without much ceremony, he reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle of Jose.

"Didn't want to drink in my room, either. Never know who'll bust in." He scoffed a touch at the hippie comment, but tried not to focus on Avery's presence at all. Instead, he turned his attention to first opening the bottle of tequila.

Take a swallow of the stuff, his face twisted up in a grimace as the golden liquid burned its way down his throat. Merlin, he hated tequila.
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: March 21st, 2011 07:53 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Oh yes, huddled in a corner of the quodpot field. That's a diamond place to fall asleep, especially when you're alone. Anyone could mug you...not that the hassle would be worth it."

There was a touch of disapproval in the way he looked at Leon; for all of his answering back and those beautiful eyes, it didn't hide the fact that he was a scruffy, scruffy boy. Those shoes were appallingly ugly and his shirt...surely anyone wearing such a vile piece of cloth deserved a stint in Azkaban, didn't they?

"You have a room all to yourself," he remarked, taking a drag of his cigarette. "There's no one to bust in. Besides, doesn't your door have a lock on it?"

He threw a sideways glance towards Leon. If Avery could keep him talking it interfere with how much of that drain cleaner Leon could pour down his throat. He had no intentions of babysitting a lush today. "So, is it true that you've got Eytinge blood in you? They're not exactly known for being the nicest wizards of our time, are they?"
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: March 21st, 2011 08:18 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Oh, fuck off with it. Not like you can't smoke in a room with a few charms either, twat. Maybe I just wanted to be outside?" He grumbled, glaring not at Avery but at everything about him. What did it matter where he was?

"Besides, you'd not get to harass me if I was in the dorm. Shouldn't you be counting your blessings?"

And if Avery had commented on his clothing, Leon would have scoffed more. Honestly, there wasn't anything wrong with it. Not in his opinion. But then again, he rarely cared about what he looked like.

"Eh?" He raised a brow, curious as to where the question had come from. He'd never made it a secret, and he'd more than told a few people around campus about his mum's family. "So? What of it? Most pure bloods have some sort of dark past somewhere."
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: March 21st, 2011 09:51 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I didn't come here just to smoke though, did I? Besides, quality cigarettes are an experience; you don't just smoke them for the hell of it."

Not that his current experience was worth savouring, but he needed something to keep his hands busy. Something that wouldn't make Leon hit him in the face again.

And there was always the off chance that Leon might want a drag off it at some point. A long shot perhaps, but it was there.

"Why do you think I'm here to harass you? I was looking for a quiet place to read, like I told you. It's hardly my fault that you chose to bed down on it." To prove his point, Avery slipped his book out of his bag and put it on his knee, opening it at a random page. He curled his arm around his book to shield it from the other boy's view.

"Most, not all," Avery clarified. "And by purebloods I'm assuming you mean your mother's line. I don't recall any pureblood families with the name Shaw back in England. Bit of a half-breed, are you? It's funny, I never thought the Eytinges would allow someone to muddy up their waters."
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: March 22nd, 2011 06:16 pm (UTC) (Link)
"An experience in slowly murdering your lungs? Yeah, savor that experience to the very last drop."

He put the cap back on the tequila bottle and dropped it by his bag with a bit of a huff. His quiet time was being interrupted, and it wasn't very pleasant. "I would think that after the other week, you'd think twice before coming to sit and read next to me." It wasn't like there weren't other places on campus to hide, smoke and read. "No professors out here to save you from getting your arse beat."

He laid back down, though, raising a brow at the book in Avery's hands for a brief moment. But then he was rolling his eyes. "Piss off. You don't know the first thing about the Eytinge. It isn't like the Valentine would have been invited rub elbows or the like."
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: March 22nd, 2011 06:46 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Says you with the bottle of..." What was that swill Leon was drinking again? "...liquor in your bag. At least I keep my unhealthy indulgences to a minimum. I can keep the same pack of twenty for weeks. I'm sure you're doing far more damage to your liver."

He blew some smoke in Leon's direction and smirked. When you had a strict monthly allowance, a pack of twenty had to last you several weeks...unless you wanted to slum it with the common brands, which Avery certainly did not.

"Perhaps I'm a fool for love," he replied, turning a couple of pages ahead in his book. "And I have a theory about your aggression towards me; it's a lot like the tree falling in the woods, isn't it? If I make a pass at Leon Shaw and nobody is around to see it, does he still pretend to be homophobic?"

Avery smiled to himself over that clever little line and flipped his book back, looking for Leon's family line. "I know enough, and what I don't know I'm sure I can find out from worthy sources." And it helped a lot when your family counted as one of those sources.

"Valentine is an American wizarding family, so obviously you won't have heard of it. The entire line is dead...well, apart from my family's little branch." Avery took another drag of his cigarette and looked down his nose at Leon. "Anyway, we're still purebloods. That's all that matters really."
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: March 22nd, 2011 07:21 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Well you're not my mum, so bugger off with it, yeah?" He grumbled, tossing an arm over his face as he closed his eyes. This way he couldn't watch Avery, he wouldn't let his guard down and...

"A what?" He blinked, pulling his arm away from his face and sitting up a bit. Did Avery really have some sort of 'thing' for him? His expression was a mix of skeptical and uncertain even as his eyes followed the cigarette to Avery's lips. Shit, he thought, swallowing a little before making a point to look away. Avery was just fucking with him, right? Like always? "You're a fucking twat. Get the fuck out of here before I stop playing nice."

It was safest thing for both of them. He really didn't want to end up with detention, or in prison.

"Heh. Whatever. You can read, or talk to people about them all you like. Never going to be like them. And if you want to be an American pureblood, you go right on. Because my 'half-blood' is still better than yours."
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: March 22nd, 2011 07:54 pm (UTC) (Link)
"And you're not mine, so perhaps you shouldn't lecture me on my bad habits either." Not that his mummy would ever chastise him over smoking; she'd introduced him to it, after all, so how could she really go back on it now?

Avery finished his cigarette and stubbed it out on the ground. Snapping his book shut, he reached into his bag for a mint. Tasting like an ashtray was never de rigueur.

"Perhaps, Leon, I don't want you to play nice," he purred and shifted a bit closer. "If you were nice then I wouldn't be interested."

He smiled at the other boy, letting his gaze drift down Leon's body before heading back up to meet his eyes again. "You're a half-breed, you'll never be better than me. And it's only my name that's American. I'm not one of them, you know."
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: March 22nd, 2011 08:05 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Suck it," he grunted, scowling a little. "I wasn't lecture you, I was just saying." Fuck all if he knew why he'd even bothered to open his mouth though.

But the moment Avery moved closer, his eyes darted to the boy with a certain amount of dread. Did he really know Leon was gay? Was there some secret code that he put off and wasn't aware of? And worst still, some small part of him wanted Avery to try something. But why? Why Avery? Michi was right, though, he was handsome. The curl of his lips was sweet, his hair looked soft, and his eyes looked hungry...

Fuck, Leon thought as he tore his eyes away from the other boy. He cleared his throat a little before he spoke again, swallowing a bit. "Then I'll be nice a pup, and hope you'll get bored and go away." He promised, his voice a bit thicker than it had been.

"Tch, I don't care about blood, Avery. It is a waste of time. Besides, all purebloods in England are inbred."
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: March 22nd, 2011 08:39 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Get it out and I will," he grinned. "You were just saying? Are you looking out for my health now, Shaw? Just the other day you wanted me to jump off the roof..."

Oh, so Leon wanted to play this game, did he? Be boring and hope that the rampant homosexual leaves you alone. Well that might work if said rampant homosexual didn't know which buttons to press to get a reaction out of you. Leon had no such luck.

"Well if you think that's all it takes to get rid of me, then you're welcome to try." Avery leaned in so that there was no more than a couple of inches between their lips. "But personally, I don't think it's going to work."

There was a moment when he almost closed the gap between them but he stopped short at the word 'inbred', shifting into a scowl. "I am not inbred," Avery spat. "How dare you say that! Just because some families believe in marrying cousins doesn't mean that all of them do it. How dare you."

Avery shoved Leon against the ground. "Filthy half-breed. What would you know about proper wizarding families anyway."
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From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: April 1st, 2011 08:37 pm (UTC) (Link)
Avery took the phone with a smirk and started to key in his number. "Aww, no shopping trips or going to see romantic movies then?" He took out his phone and called it from Leon's to make sure that it was right. Avery returned Leon's phone after saving the number. Oh, the dirty messages he could send!

"I'm not that bad," he countered, letting his fingers twine with Leon's. "I just want to know what you did. I'm interested." And in more than just the curses, although that certainly added an interesting twist on things. Finding new dark magic to play with wasn't easy.

"I almost used a curse once in duelling club. Old fam...old forgotten thing I found in a book. It marks a large X across the victim's face. Luckily I never said it though. How did you learn Temero?"
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: April 2nd, 2011 02:09 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Shopping? Really? I hate shopping. It is like this...thing that people want you to do. 'Buy me something to show you care!' Fucking full of shit, that. Why does buying someone something prove that you care? How does that even work?"

"..Your interested? In something that could, in theory, get me arrested. Pardon moi if I find it suspect."

This whole day was turning more and more bizarre as time ticked by. Rolling his eyes a little he watched Avery for a moment, before shrugging. "Adelaide gave me this book for Christmas. It had a bunch of the spells in it."
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: April 2nd, 2011 06:30 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Actions speak louder than words, Leon," Avery chided. "Buying a gift for someone you care about means that you want to see them happy, you want to be a source of their joy. It's a token of your affection for this person." He smirked and gave Leon's hand a squeeze. "Does this mean you wouldn't buy something for me? Not even if I said please?" Pouting a bit, he gave Leon an imploring look. Sad puppy eyes were one of Avery's specialities.

"Well it's not suspect if I have an interest in the dark arts too, is it? I just thought we could share what we know about it; we both gain knowledge and so we both benefit. It's not as though the school is riddled with potential dark wizards."

Ugh, he was mentioning her again. "I wouldn't mind looking at it, if you ever want to bring it with you. Are the contents solely dark maric-related?" Because if they were, it would be interesting to know how Macho Legaux had come to possess it.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: April 2nd, 2011 11:04 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Well it is still stupid," he protested, sliding his phone into his back pocket. "And why would I buy you something? Even if you said please. We aren't together. Or anything."

He rubbed his nose, rolling to his back and stretching he settled on the ground just a little closer to Avery. "Well, that is because it is illegal. So imagine it keeps most of the would be do gooders out of the pool. Guess that means I am a terrible, terrible man."

"No, but it has a whole section devoted to it." He went on, going back to his conversation about the book. "I'll....let you see it sometime. I guess."
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: April 3rd, 2011 11:03 am (UTC) (Link)
"Well no, but don't you want to make me happy?" He gave Leon a knowing smile and brushed his thumb over the other boy's knuckles. "You will though, once you discover just how happy I can make you."

Pioneers didn't interest Avery; who cared if you were the first person to do something or go somewhere? The real achievement was to be the best. So whilst Adelaide was possibly the first real lover Leon had been with, she wasn't going to be the best. In fact, Avery was willing to bet on 'lousy' being a closer description of her skills. He, however...well, even if Leon hadn't been gay, he wouldn't go back to her after experiencing what Avery had to offer.

"You are a terrible man," Avery purred. "But so am I. Besides, I do love a good villain, they're so much more exciting than your average hero type."

He nuzzled Leon's shoulder. "Have you got any other books hidden away? My family had some in a vault nobody knows about. They might still be there, actually; I don't remember anyone collecting them before we moved. The Eytinge library must have some terrifically interesting reads..."
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: April 3rd, 2011 04:25 pm (UTC) (Link)
"If I wanted to make you happy, I would have to...what? What all is involved in making you happy, and what would you do to make me happy? I'm curious." If somewhat doubtful.

Shifting a little closer to Avery as the boy purred at him. "Oh so I'm a villain? Well at least I'm more interesting this way. And you wouldn't be surprised if I did terrible things, right?"

"Yeah," he went on, turning his head so he could watch Avery a little. "My uncle left me some of his books, journals. He has stuff written in them. I don't think my mum read them, or maybe Meme never told her she gave them too me. It is stuff of shit he used to do."
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: April 3rd, 2011 06:39 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Buy me something pretty and pay special attention to me, that's how you'd make me happy. As for you..." Avery grinned a little. "You have no idea how many ways I could make you cum without fucking you. I'd be very willing to enlighten you, let's just say that."

He could smell Leon's skin as the boy moved closer; all bodywash and aftershave. "Why would I be surprised? It's not as though you try to make people think that you're all sweetness and light, is it? I'm sure you can be an utter bastard when you need to be. And I do terrible things every day. Perhaps we should do terrible things together and make our acts even more terrible."

Avery's eyes lit up. Journals from a real dark wizard! His life and his hexes captured on paper! His own father had never bothered writing things down, had never considered that his son might one day hold an interest in his dark dealings. How exciting! "He gave them to you? Why? Have you read them? What does he say?"
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: April 3rd, 2011 07:05 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Oh? So I buy you something pretty, and...say, suck you off. And you make me cum over and over?" Leon rolled then, sliding one of his legs between Avery's as he propped himself up on his elbows. Most of his weight was to one side, not quite pushing down on Avery, but there was just enough there to leave a thousand suggestive thoughts in his own mind. Reaching down, he plucked Avery's sunglasses from his face, and slipped them one his own face.

"You're right, I don't." He flashed Avery a smile that lacked in warmth of any sort. "But doing 'terrible' things with you might imply that I want to fuck you. And I don't know..."

It was easier than he thought it would be, flirting with another boy (no matter how poorly it was done). Maybe it was just because Avery was easy, or that he'd just been desperate for this in general. Either way, it was strangely freeing. Even if the other boy was going giddy about his uncle's journals.

"Are you going to nut over some journals?" He asked skeptically, raising a brow as he lowered himself a little, inspecting Avery's ever feature through the tinted glass of Avery's sunglasses. "He wrote everyday in them. About the new spells he'd learned, people he'd attacked, stuff like that. And he didn't have anyone to leave them to, so Meme gave them to me. Which is sort of like him leaving them to me. I was really little when he died. Only like two or three."
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: April 3rd, 2011 08:14 pm (UTC) (Link)
"It doesn't have to be sexual, the special attention. There just can't be anyone else on your mind; you have to be completely focused on me." He chewed his lip for a moment. "But if you wanted to suck me off, I wouldn't mind."

Avery shifted a little under Leon's half-weight, their limbs brushing against one another as he made himself comfortable. Leon was warm and close enough to kiss, although Avery decided to avoid that temptation for now.

"So you'll suck my cock but you won't have sex with me?" Avery smirked a little, raising a brow. "Why not? I'd let you pitch, if that's what you're concerned about. Or do you just... need to be persuaded?"

He wasn't quite convinced that Leon didn't know if he wanted to fuck him or not, but he went along with the idea regardless. What was all of this in aid of if he didn't want a little fun?

"They're the private journals of a dark wizard. As soon as you open them you're confronted with his thoughts and actions and everything he's learned! Excuse me for being a little excited over such an accessible source of first-hand knowledge and experience."

Avery reached up and took back his sunglasses, but rather than putting them back on he set them down on the grass. Reaching up, he brushed some of Leon's hair away from his face. "Don't cover your eyes. How are you ever going to get my spine tingling if I can't see your icy stares?"
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: April 3rd, 2011 08:37 pm (UTC) (Link)
"So..You don't need sex to keep you happy, just me?" He raised a brow at that. "Do you want me to suck you off? Sort of hard to be thinking of anyone else, I'd think, with a dick in your mouth."

He shrugged a little, though, as Avery suggested he pitch. "You'd just be a little bitch? Well, at least the role is fitting. You are a little bitch." He mused, before rolling his eyes a little. "Maybe I do need you to persuade me, instead of thinking I'm just a little slut like you."

He frowned though, as Avery stole his sunglasses back though. He wasn't ready to give those back. "You wouldn't be able to read it, though. It's all in French. I'd have to translate it for you, and why would I want to do that?"

"What turns you on?" He asked, eyes narrowing a little as he run a finger across the skin of one of Avery's arms.
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: April 5th, 2011 04:42 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I said I wanted your undivided attention, whichever form it takes," Avery replied. "It's not as easy as wrapping your mouth around my dick though, not thinking about anyone else includes the before and after, whether that lasts five minutes or an hour, and you can't think about anyone but me." He let his hand fall from Leon's hair and draped it over the boy's hip. "I do, if you're offering. Are you?"

Avery laughed at Leon's statement about being a bitch. "Oh am I? And what does that make you? Someone who enjoys little bitches?" he asked, grinning. "And how should I go about persuading you, Mr Shaw? It's not as though I can take you out to dinner and get you drunk on the champagne, is it?"

Oh, the French thing. He'd forgotten about that. Whatever happened to Egnlish being the universal language, hmm? Surely if they could learn to speak to Leon's muggle family in English then they could learn to write their memoirs in it too. "Because it's better to share your interests with someone else than keep them all to yourself. And of course, I'd be very grateful..." His fingers brushed against the back of Leon's shirt as he sing-songed that last comment.

"Other than terrible, terrible men?" He asked with a smirk. "I like being taken in hand...talking dirty...intelligence...a nice English cock...hip bones...a well maintained genital area...being kissed just below my ear...morning-after affection...being tied up...gooey, sticky caramel..."
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: April 7th, 2011 01:35 pm (UTC) (Link)
"That would be a lot of time devoted to you and you alone." He remarked, shifting so that more of his weight was on one arm. The other he lifted, hesitantly letting it fall gently against Avery's flat stomach. "Maybe... later. Not right now. We're 'talking'."

"You disagree? That you are a bitch?" Leon smirked, "and if I told you out to persuade me, you'd be cheating."

It was good, though, that Avery kept his thoughts on French himself. He was rather fond of the French heritage he had. "It isn't all about kill and murdering. He did a lot of...mundane things. And most of it was just him complaining. So..." Plus, it was the private thoughts of his Uncle. Why should he want to share that with someone that would only drool over the dark magic of it all? Stupid.

"...Well, that is quite a list at least." He murmured, a bit surprised that he'd even gotten an answer. Especially one that included 'being tied up'. What if he just left Avery there? Gagged the rat bastard and walked off for days, what would the boy do then? "Good to know, I guess."

Reaching out though, he picked up Avery's sunglasses again. Slipping them on he pushed himself to his feet and stretched with a yawn. "I think I'll go find my nap elsewhere, though." He commented blandly, reaching down to pick up his bag, and the bottle. "See you."
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