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Results for communities interested in "harry potter"

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iris userpic
Name:That One Girl ♥♥♥
Journal:...the way that you stare, starts a fire in me...
Updated 393 weeks ago
tastygreenmint userpic
Name:Oh So Tasty
Journal:...This Is Me....
Updated 393 weeks ago
mookie_47 userpic
Updated 439 weeks ago
bigwhoop userpic
Updated 478 weeks ago
utena userpic
Name:Goddess Rising From Ashes ღ Rebirth of Destruction
Journal:Everyone seeks the revolution of me but
Updated 532 weeks ago
osteological userpic
Updated 534 weeks ago
lunareuphoria userpic
Name:кєι ❤ тιмe ѕтαɴdѕ ѕтιll
Journal:I have loved you for a thousand years...
Updated 559 weeks ago
sateda userpic
Name:Ronon Dex
Updated 592 weeks ago
mikipinku userpic
Name:princess serenity, hbic.
Journal:isn't it nice?
Updated 597 weeks ago
no default userpic
Name:Moderator Journal
Journal:Durmstrang Institute
Updated 623 weeks ago
superherogirl userpic
Name:εϊз Here is me in tragedy εϊз
Journal:She pulls dark black hair back and sighs
Updated 632 weeks ago
thatcrazygirl userpic
Journal:[ solitary insanity ]
Updated 632 weeks ago
gamma_orionis userpic
Journal:In the Dark of the Night, Just Before Dawn
Updated 653 weeks ago
aerith userpic
Journal:Enjoying the Peace of my Garden
Updated 676 weeks ago
tipslip userpic
Updated 677 weeks ago
justmagic userpic
Name:Evan West
Updated 678 weeks ago
sandglass userpic
Name:Magi, the.
Journal:Come and take my hand tonight
Updated 678 weeks ago
thisonething userpic
Updated 678 weeks ago
no default userpic
Name:Kira O'Hara
Journal:Kira O'Hara
Updated 679 weeks ago
big_easy_magic userpic
Updated 680 weeks ago
she_who_dares userpic
Updated 685 weeks ago
matsujun_addict userpic
Updated 690 weeks ago
bloodleaf userpic
Updated 711 weeks ago
erzulie userpic
Name:Erzulie Dantor
Journal:You're not alone...
Updated 725 weeks ago
unicorn userpic
Name:I'll face myself. // unicorn @ scribbld.net
Journal:In this fair world there's no blood, there's no alibi.
Updated 725 weeks ago
kaylamds userpic
Updated 729 weeks ago
yuna_braska userpic
Journal:I close my eyes and smile, knowing everything is alright.
Updated 733 weeks ago
no default userpic
Name:The Game Of Life
Updated 741 weeks ago
hoistthecolors userpic
Journal:Caitlyn's Words
Updated 748 weeks ago
toki__wartooth userpic
Name:child of earth & of starry heaven
Journal:She drank from a bottle called DRINK ME
Updated 749 weeks ago
no default userpic
Name:Kira O'Hara
Journal:Just what am I doing here?
Updated 750 weeks ago
iwasntprepared userpic
Updated 753 weeks ago
girlafraid userpic
Journal:love is just a dialogue
Updated 755 weeks ago
admirenothing userpic
Journal:Observe Everything
Updated 757 weeks ago
kadaj userpic
Updated 763 weeks ago
kasiyans userpic
Name:Kasiyan Epitome
Journal:Kasiyan Epitome
Updated 765 weeks ago
leanne userpic
Journal:LeAnne's Diary
Updated 765 weeks ago
jade_priestess userpic
Name:♥Krystle Vincent♥
Journal:Journal of the Jade Priestess
Updated 766 weeks ago
fenners userpic
Name:The Fenners
Journal:la Société des cœurs perdus
Updated 769 weeks ago
casrin userpic
Journal:[insert witty title here]
Updated 774 weeks ago
wenelda userpic
Journal:The crazy world would never understand.
Updated 774 weeks ago
colourvegan userpic
Name:ColourVegan サル
Updated 780 weeks ago
higinia userpic
Name:dorothy ღ marie
Updated 781 weeks ago
aprill userpic
Name:April ♪♫
Journal:push out the jive, bring in the love
Updated 781 weeks ago
poisonheart userpic
Name:A broken mess, just scattered pieces of who I am
Journal:I've lost so much along the way
Updated 781 weeks ago
debris userpic
Journal:I stand in line behind you.
Updated 785 weeks ago
sesshoumaru userpic
Updated 786 weeks ago
souhait userpic
Journal:forever and ever is a very long time;
Updated 792 weeks ago
mothtoaflame userpic
Name:L. Marie
Journal:Our Love Burns Like A Moth To A Flame
Updated 792 weeks ago
blairbear userpic
Name:a silver pool of light
Journal:Her face is a map of the world, is a map of the world
Updated 792 weeks ago

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